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15 年一年就消费了超过 600 万吨的软包装产品。全球的软包装消费量以年均 7%左右
的趋势在增长而中国预计以年均 10%左右的趋势在增长,从 15 年至 20 年这五年间,
D 公司作为软包装产品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的领先者,尽管在专业技术领域占据一定的优势,但
企业现实面临的情况,本文通过 PEST 模型和波特五力模型分析了 D 公司所处的软包
装欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的外部宏观环境与竞争对手情况,同时通过 SWOT 分析了 D 公司自身的竞争
力,阐述了与竞争对手相比的优势和劣势以及存在的机会和威胁。根据 STP 理论和
营销组合 4P 理论分别分析了 D 公司在市场定位、目标市场、产品、价格、分销渠道、
促销推广方面的现状和存在的问题,并依次提出优化建议,对 D 公司在中国市场的
A flexible packaging product is a packaged product that can change in shape after
filling or removing the contents. During the past few years, the flexible packaging market
in China is rapidly growing as well as the materials and related technology. As one of the
largest packaging consuming country, the sales volume reached around six million metric
tons in year 2015 which accounts for 40 percent of the total global sales volume. The sales
volume is estimated to reach 6.6 percent per year from year 2015 to year 2020. India and
China rise in a rapid speed. Although the flexible packaging market in China has relatively
huge potential to growth, it is still far away from the market in foreign countries. In China,
government raise the proposal that packaging industry is under the process of developing
rapidly and each firm should pay more attention on environmental protection issue caused
by packaging products.
D company plays a leader role in the flexible packaging market, but the company still
need to make efforts to keep market share and growth in the constantly changing market.
The article use the PEST model and Porter model to analyze the external environment and
use SWOT to analyze the internal competition strength of D company. Moreover, after
analyzing STP and 4P, some suggestions are proposed to optimize the marketing strategy
in flexible packaging market of D company to help seize more market share in China.
Keywords:Packaging Product; Marketing; Strategy目录
摘要... II
Abstract ........ III
第 1 章 绪论..1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景.1
1.1.2 研究意义.2
1.2 国内外研究发展现状 4
1.2.1 国内研究发展现状.........4
1.2.2 国外研究发展现状.........6
1.2.3 国内外研究述评.7
1.3 研究内容和框架........ 7
1.4 研究方法与创新点.... 9
第 2 章 理论基础....11
2.1 市场定位理论.......... 11
2.2 产品开发与生命周期策略.. 11
2.2.1 新产品开发策略...........11
2.2.2 产品生命周期...12
2.3 营销战略设计.......... 13
2.4 营销组合理论.......... 13
第 3 章 D 公司外部环境分析........15
3.1 宏观环境分析——PEST 分析 ....... 15
3.1.1 政治环境因素...15
3.1.2 经济环境因素...16
3.1.3 社会环境因素...18
3.1.4 科技环境因素...19
3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析——五力模型.......... 193.2.1 现有企业的竞争...........19
3.2.2 潜在竞争对手...20
3.2.3 供应商讨价还价的能力...........20
3.2.4 客户讨价还价的能力...21
3.2.5 替代品的威胁...21
3.3 D 公
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