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作 者:黄 诚
指导老师:张雪芬Abstract Research on accrual comprehensive financial report of the government in our country
Research on accrual comprehensive financial report of the
government in our country
With the rise of new public management movement,UK,the United States and other
western countries have made substantial reforms in terms of perfecting the government
accounting system and improving the financial report of the government.To a certain
extent,the transparency of the government performance and the government’s financial
information have been increased.Under the background of re-definition of the
government’s function and the reform of financial system,these precious financial report
reform experiences of the government are worth learning and using in our country.It is in
2011 that China began to draw up the accrual consolidated financial report of the
government in 11 provinces, and extended to 23 provinces in 2012.At present, the
government has asked all of the country&39;s provinces and municipalities drawing up the
accrual consolidated financial report of the government.
First of all,this paper analyzes the accrual accounting of the government
comprehensive financial report’s background research and significance research,the
government financial reporting system in China and abroad.Public accountability
theory,new public management theory and the governmental function theory are the
theoretical basis of the comprehensive financial report.Then,this paper discusses the
present status,some problems and the necessity of the reform about the government
financial report,On this basis, this paper introduces the accrual comprehensive financial
report of the government.Then,this paper introduces the success experience in the process
of the comprehensive reform of the financial report in the western countries,such as the
United States,UK, Germany and France.At the same time,this paper compares the
differences and gets the inspirations to our country: a clear system of accounting
standards,the coordinated development with the reform of the budget,comprehensive
government financial report contents,the perfection of the audit system and the execution
of fiduciary duty as our main report target.Based on the above mentioned,this paper putsResearch on accrual comprehensive financial report of the government in our country Abstract
forward the specific reform proposals to the government comprehensive financial report in
our country:Firstly,setting up the double direction view of the government comprehensive
financial report and taking the path of gradual reform; secondly,reconstructing the system
of the government comprehensive financial report;thirdly,this paper arrives at some policy
suggestions on optimizing the government comprehensive financial reporting system in our
country based on the above:,setting up accounting specific standards of the government
based on the accrual basis;deepening the reform and innovation of the public management
system;training specialists in the field of government accounting;developing perfect
accounting information system;Setting up the audit program and the disclosure system of
Key words:accrual accounting,government comprehensive
financial report,government accounting
Written by Cheng Huang
Supervised by Xuefeng Zhang目 录
第 1 章 绪 论........1
1.1 研究背景与意义..........1
1.1.1 研究背景.........1
1.1.2 研究意义.........3
1.2 研究框架及研究方法..4
1.2.1 研究框架.........4
1.2.2 研究方法.........6
1.3 本文的创新点和不足..6
1.3.1 本文的创新点.6
1.3.2 本文的不足.....6
第 2 章 权责发生制政府综合财务报告的基本理论........7
2.1 权责发生制政府综合财务报告相关概念......7
2.1.1 权责发生制.....7
2.1.2 政府综合财务报告.....8
2.2 文献综述..........9
2.2.1 国内文献综述.9
2.2.2 国外文献综述........... 11
2.2.3 文献评述.......12
2.3 理论基础........13
2.3.1 公共受托责任理论...13
2.3.2 新公共管理理论.......14
2.3.3 政府职能理论...........15
第 3 章 我国政府财务报告的现状、存在的问题、改革必要性及试编情况介绍......1
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