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P 视频网站成立于 2004 年,一直把体育作为其特色,打造“P 体育”品牌。2014
年由 S 集团收购并全面接手业务后,P 视频网站获得了雄厚资金,旗下的 P 体育也完
成了几笔震惊欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的体育版权交易。但是 P 体育用户量却自 2015 年开始逐渐下降,
企业运营遇到了巨大挑战。本文基于市场营销理论,对 P 体育所处的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司外部环境和
企业内部环境进行了详细分析,发现了 P 体育现有的市场策略十分被动,故基于此策
略进行的一系列市场活动都不能迎合用户的需要;再加欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环节相当激烈,使 P
本文从 P 体育的实际问题出发,研究在互联网体育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中,体育赛事版权竞争逐
台影响力。在为 P 体育分析解决问题的同时,也给了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内同类型企业带来了思考,
With the continuous development of China&39;s national economic level and mobile
network technology in recent years, people&39;s demands for cultural and entertainment are
growing gradually. Video website has become people’s focus of cultural and entertainment.
It is attracting millions of users because of the convenient video program viewing
experience it provides. Since October 2014, Chinese State Council issued a series of
policies to encourage the development of sports industry and to promote sports
consumption in all ways. China&39;s huge sports market has attracted a number of Internet
capitals to cross-border to sports industry. In 2015, Prime Minister Li KeQiang has also
announced government’s target to encourage “Internet +” Plan. Now based on the trends of
sports and “Internet +, some Chinese sports video websites have shocked the world by
several record-breaking deals on the international sports IP market, brought the Internet
sports industry into the people&39;s attention, which also marks the will of Chinese Internet
sports industry to head for a rapid growth.
P video website was established in 2004. It has chosen sports as one of its main
characteristics since the very beginning. And the “P Sports” brand was built afterwards. In
2014 with acquisition by the S Group, P video website’s business was fully take over, but it
also received rich capital resource instead, allowing P Sports completing a few important
sports IP transactions. But in recent years, P Sports’ user volume has gradually declined
from 2015. The business operation has encountered great challenges. Based on the
marketing theory, this paper analyzes the external environment of the sports new media
industry and the internal environment of P Sports, which draws the conclusion that the
current market strategy of P Sports is very passive. Therefore, a series of marketing
activities based on this strategy cannot cater to the demands of users; plus the competition
of external environment is fierce because of the join of many well-funded Internet
companies, so that the user volume of P Sports platform decreased significantly, the
development of P Sports website is facing enormous challenges.
This paper will be based on the practical problems of P Sports, to seek a properIV
marketing strategy for sports video platforms like P Sports, and scale up under the
gradually intense competition of the Sports IP market and the whole Internet Sports
industry. The analysis and solutions for P Sports’ problems will also bring profound
thoughts to the whole Chinese Internet Sports industry, especially to similar Sports New
Media platforms. As only based on a larger user base, will a website gain more resources to
form a multi-operational business model, and bring profitability to the company in the
coming future.
Keywords:Internet Sports; Sports New Media; Sport IP; Pay-per-view目录
摘要... II
Abstract ........ III
第 1 章 绪论..1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义1
1.1.1 选题背景.1
1.1.2 研究意义.2
1.2 国内外研究现状评述3
1.2.1 国内体育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究现状.3
1.2.2 国外互联网体育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究.........7
1.2.3 评述.........9
1.3 研究内容和框架 ........ 9
1.4 研究方法和创新点 .. 10
1.4.1 研究方法...........10
1.4.2 创新点...11
第 2 章 理论基础....12
2.1 STP 理论 ....... 12
2.1.1 市场细分...........12
2.1.2 目标市场...........13
2.1.3 市场定位...........14
2.2 4P 理论...
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