A World Bank Group Flagship Report
Comparing Business Regulation
for Domestic Firms in 190 Economies
Doing Business 2018
Reforming to Create Jobs
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Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs
Washington, DC: World Bank. DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1146-3. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
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ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-1146-3
ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-1147-0
DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1146-3
ISSN: 1729-2638
Cover design: Corporate Visions, Inc.
A World Bank Group Flagship Report
Doing Business 2018
Reforming to Create Jobs
Doing Business 2018
on the Doing Business
Current features
News on the
Doing Business
How economies rank—from 1 to 190
All the data for 190 economies—topic
rankings, indicator values, lists of
regulatory procedures and details
underlying indicators
Access to
Doing Business
reports as well
as subnational and regional reports, case
studies and customized economy and
regional profles
The methodologies and research papers
Doing Business
Abstracts of papers on
Doing Business
topics and related policy issues
Doing Business
Short summaries of DB2018 business
regulation reforms and lists of reforms
since DB2006
Historical data
Customized data sets since DB2004
Law library
Online collection of business laws and
regulations relating to business
More than 13,000 specialists in 190
economies who participate in
Doing Business
Entrepreneurship data
Data on new business density (number
of newly registered companies per 1,000
working-age people) for 143 economies
Distance to frontier
Data benchmarking 190 economies to
the frontier in regulatory practice and a
distance to frontier calculator
Information on good practices
Showing where the many good
practices identifed by
Doing Business
have been adopted
Doing Business 2018
Doing Business 2018
is the 15th in a
series of annual reports investigating
the regulations that enhance business
activity and those that constrain it.
Doing Business
presents quantitative
indicators on business regulation
and the protection of property rights
that can be compared across 190
economies—from Afghanistan to
Zimbabwe—and over time.
Doing Business
measures aspects of
regulation afecting 11 areas of the
life of a business. Ten of these areas
are included in this year’s ranking on
the ease of doing business: starting
a business, dealing with construction
permits, getting electricity, registering
property, getting credit, protecting
minority investors, paying taxes, trading
across borders, enforcing contracts and
resolving insolvency.
Doing Business
also measures features of labor market
regulation, which is not included in this
year’s ranking.
Doing Business 2018
are current
as of June 1, 2017. The indicators are
used to analyze economic outcomes
and identify what reforms of business
regulation have worked, where and wh
iv Foreword
1 Overview
11 About
Doing Business
22 Reforming the Business Environment in 2016/17
Case studies
39 Starting a Business
Transparency of information at business registries
45 Dealing with Construction Permits
Private sector participation in construction regulation
51 Registering Property
Using information to curb corruption
56 Resolving Insolvency
The challenges of successfully implementing insolvency reforms
62 References
67 Data Notes
119 Distance to Frontier and Ease of Doing Business Ranking
126 Summaries of
Doing Business
Reforms in 2016/17
142 Country Tables
206 Labor Market Regulation
222 Acknowledgments