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本文在 L&S 专利劫持模型的禁令制度因素基础上,引入后发企业与外国领先
对策略。最后,以华为近 30 年来发展历程作为分析对象,研究实际上专利劫持产
Patent licensing is an important way for latecomer firms (LCFs) in the process of
catching up foreign frontier firms (FFFs). Today internationality becomes the trend,
patent strength directly determines the right of speaking. Through the review of the
literatures and reality, we know that LCF is indeed in a weak position at the initial stage
of the technological catch-up. In order to stand on the shoulders of the giant, LCFs
had to pay a high patent license fees. The high patent license fee is treated by the
academy as a patent holdup.
Based on the research of Lemly-Shapiro Model of patent holdup, this paper
develops a modified patent holdup model between a FFF and a LCF by introducing
technology gap and cost advantage, then discusses the dynamic influences of
technology gap, cost advantage. Then open the blackbox of licensing parties to analyze
what LCFs should do to balance the benefits between FFFs and LCFs in different
contexts. First of all, build a patent licensing fees negotiation model between a FFF and
a number of LCFs to verify whether the main structure has an impact on the degree of
patent holdup under the external innovation situation and the anti-patent holdup strategy.
With the technical capabilities of the LCF increasing, and the FFF has been internalized
by external innovators into internal innovators. Followed by the study of internal
innovation, verify whether the main structure has an impact on the degree of patent
holdup and the anti-patent holdup strategy. Finally, we study the history of Huawei, the
cause of the formation of patent holdup and the strategy used in Huawei&39;s anti-patent
holdup process. And then verify and explain the theoretical research of this paper.
The results prove that patent hold-up degree between the FFF and the LCF is
monotone increasing function of technology gap and cost advantage. 1)With narrowing
of technology gap and weakening of cost advantage, patent hold-up degree will
decrease accordingly. However, the change of the relationship depends on taking the
appropriate strategy in different stages and making an effort to achieve. 2) When the
FFF as an internal innovator, the degree of patent holdup increases with the number of
LCFs. To reduce the degree of patent holdup and to obtain higher returns, the LCF can
choose strategy: 1) At the initial stage of the technological catch-up, LCFs taking
technology imitation strategy is more advantageous to reduce the degree of patentABSTRACT
holdup than ex ante licensing strategy. In the situation of technical imitation, LCFs
choosing litigation strategy is more advantageous to reduce the degree of patent holdup
degree than the first successful negotiation. Suppose that technology gap is narrowing to
some extent, the strategy to redesign products for LCFs is better. 2) With the increase in
technical capacity, the cost advantage of the reduction, the LCF can choose the Union
and cross-licensing to achieve win-win situation.
Keywords: latecomer firm, patent licensing, anti-patent holdup, strategy目录
目 录
第一章 绪论....1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义 ........... 1
1.1.1 选题背景 ........ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ........ 1
1.2 研究内容与框架 ....... 2
1.3 主要创新点 ... 3
第二章 相关文献综述..4
2.1 专利许可的相关研究 ........... 4
2.1.1 专利许可的概念 ........ 4
2.1.2 专利许可的价值 ........ 5
2.1.3 影响专利许可费的因素 ........ 6
2.2 专利劫持的相关研究 ........... 8
2.2.1 专利劫持的概念 ........ 8
2.2.2 专利劫持的形成原因 .......... 10
2.2.3 专利劫持的解决办法 .......... 12
2.3 后发企业的相关研究 ......... 13
2.4 总结与借鉴 . 14
第三章 技术差距和成本优势对反专利劫持策略的影响....15
3.1 假设的提出 . 15
3.2 参数的选取 . 16
3.3 技术追赶初期后发企业反专利劫持策略 . 17
3.4 技术差距变化对反专利劫持策略的影响 . 24
3.5 本章小节 ..... 27
第四章 主体结构对反专利劫持策略的影响28
4.1 外部创新情形下后发企业反专利劫持策略 .
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