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With the development of global economic integration and the development of
information technology, enterprises are not in the atom free state. Cooperative
development, sharing development, innovation development become the mainstream
of enterprise development, network is the main form of enterprise cooperation
development, especially the construction of entrepreneur network, which has a very
important role in the acquisition of external resources and the effective integration of
internal factors, which is conducive to the long-term survival and development of
The construction of entrepreneur relationship network is not only a simple
management problem. It is a relatively innovative research method based on the
research of entrepreneur relations network, and the content of entrepreneur
relationship network. It uses the structure and the growth performance of enterprises
to conduct a comprehensive and effective analysis in the perspective of entrepreneurs,
so that entrepreneurs can make full use of existing resources to promote the healthy
growth of enterprises.
Entrepreneur relations network has great impact on the growth of enterprises, but
how to build a harmonious entrepreneur relations network is also a problem both the
theoretical and physical entrepreneurs concerned about. This paper analyzes several
important factors influencing the network of entrepreneur relations by means of gray
relational degree. It constructs and strengthens the network of entrepreneur relations
and expands the network of entrepreneur connections through improving these factors.
Entrepreneurs get access to strategic resources by making full use of a variety of
personal connections and the relationship between banks and enterprises. They use a
harmonious media and enterprise relationship to establish a healthy enterprise image,
which is conducive to business expansion. The entrepreneur is a good example foriv
internal staff. By improving the quality of entrepreneurs themselves, conducting a
healthy corporation culture can they strengthen staff’s sense of belonging, actively
mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff and thus, achieve the goal of full innovation and
upgrade of the staff.
Key words: Entrepreneur network; SMEs; Enterprise growth湖南科技大学硕士学位论文
目 录
第一章 绪论1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义..1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外文献研究综述..3
1.2.1 国外企业成长相关研究 .3
1.2.2 国内企业成长相关研究 .3
1.3 研究内容与研究方法..5
1.3.1 研究内容 7
1.3.2 研究方法 8
1.4 研究思路与主要创新点9
1.4.1 研究思路 9
1.4.2 主要创新点 ......10
第二章 相关概念及理论基础 ......13
2.1 相关概念的界定 .........13
2.1.1 中小企业的内涵及特征 ...........13
2.1.2 企业家关系网络的内涵及特征 ...........14
2.1.3 中小企业成长的内涵及特征 ...16
2.2 中小企业成长相关理论 ........17
2.2.1 资源基础理论 ..17
2.2.2 企业能力理论 ..18
2.2.3 技术创新理论 ..18
2.2.4 社会资本理论 ..18
第三章 企业家关系网络促进中小企业成长的机理研究 .19
3.1 企业家关系网络相关研究及维度 ......19
3.1.1 企业家关系网络的相关研究 ...19
3.1.2 企业家关系网络的维度 ...........21
3.2 企业家外部关系网络对中小企业成长的作用 .........22
3.2.1 企业家与企业家关系网络有利于中小企业节约交易成本 .....22
3.2.2 政企、银企关系有利于中小企业获得战略性资源 ....22
3.2.3 企业家与其他组织关系网络有利于中小企业获取社会资本 .23目录
3.3 企业家内部关系网络对企业成长的作用........23
3.3.1 企业内部正式关系有利于企业内部意愿协作和信息沟通 .....23
3.3.2 企业内部非正式关系有助于企业团结和满足成员的需要 .....24
第四章 基于灰色关联法的企业家关系网络促进中小企业成长的
实证研究 .25
4.1 灰色关联理论基础与方法分析 ..........25
4.1.1 灰色关联分析法的概念 ...........25
4.1.2 灰色系统关联分析的具体计算步骤 ....25
4.2 样本选择的标准和抽样的范围 ..........26
4.2.1 样本的选择 ......26
4.2.2 访谈调查 ..........27
4.2.3 问卷调查 ..........27
4.3 信度和效度分析 .........29
4.4 数列的选取与测量 .....30
4.4.1 参考数列的选取与测量 ...........30
4.4.2 比较数列的选取与测量 ...........30
4.5 实证结果分析 .31
第五章 完善企业家关系网络的对策及建议 .........37
5.1 企业家与其他企业家关系网络的完善及发展 ..........
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