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展。本文结合作者自身工作实际,从 M 银行的实际情况出发,以平衡计分卡为
视角,分别从四个维度,即财务、客户、内部流程、学习成长等方面对 M 银行
M 银行绩效进行管理。同时,分别从宏观和微观两个角度,对 M 银行当前绩效
管理的实际情况进行分析和研究。并通过 M 银行引进平衡计分卡(简称 BSC),
绘制出平衡计分卡战略地图,设计出 M 银行平衡计分卡的指标设计、权重分布
with the enterprise human resources development and management status is
taken seriously increasingly, the enterprise performance management work has been
taken seriously. The research of this paper is based on the theory of performance
management, the development of commercial Banks put forward reasonable
performance management scheme, and points out that the combination of bank
century, choose the suitable performance management method. This can create good
development prospects for commercial bank performance management, combining
the core concept of performance management and related theoretical analysis. In the
process of analysis, respectively from the angles of macroscopic and microscopic, the
M bank current performance management situation analysis and research of century.
Analysis by introducing M bank balance score card (BSC), build a set of perfect,
effective performance management plan, so as to improve the operability and
scientific nature of the performance management, improve the level of enterprise
human resources management. The balanced scorecard is formed in the enterprise
strategic objectives on the basis of several different, has the balance relationship
between each other performance evaluation index system, and assessment,
respectively, according to the actual situation of these indicators to establish a more
perfect and reliable performance management system. In the implementation of the
strategy of balanced scorecard to the transformation, introduce incentive mechanism,
can not only realize the dynamic evaluation of strategy and management, also can be
embodied in the current trend of the development of performance management theory.
Balanced scorecard respectively from four dimensions, namely, financial, customer,
internal process, learning and other aspects of the influence factors of the M bank
performance comprehensive analysis, helping Banks clearly to understand the
advantages and disadvantages of their own, find problems in time, and understand the
main reason for the performance cannot reach anticipated goal. Realize the
implementation the M bank of internal and external balance, for other financialABSTRACT
enterprises to establish and perfect the performance management system to lay the
Key words: commercial Banks; Performance management; System; The balanced
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景与意义 .........1
1.1.1 研究背景 ...........1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...........2
1.2 研究方法 .........3
1.2.1 文献研究法 .......3
1.2.2 规范分析法 .......3
1.2.3 案例分析法 .......3
1.2.4 问卷调查法 ........4
1.3 研究内容 .........4
第 2 章 商业银行绩效管理相关理论概述.....5
2.1 绩效管理概述 .5
2.1.1 绩效管理概念 ...5
2.1.2 绩效管理基本流程 .......5
2.2 组织绩效管理的主要方法 .....7
2.2.1 EVA 绩效管理法7
2.2.2 KPI 绩效管理法.7
2.2.3 骆驼评价管理法 ...........8
2.2.4 杜邦分析法 .......8
2.2.5 平衡计分卡 ......8
2.3 各种绩效管理方法比较 .......11
第 3 章 M 银行员工绩效管理现状分析.......13
3.1 M 银行概况....13
3.1.1 M 银行简介......13
3.1.2 M 银行当前业务发展成绩......13
3.2 M 银行自身战略定位14
3.2.1 上级行总体战略思路 .14目录
3.2.2 M 银行具体发展战略定位......14
3.3 M 银行目前绩效管理考核方法........14
3.3.1 业务部室绩效关键指标考核 .14
3.3.2 经营分支机构绩效平衡计分卡考核 .16
3.4 M 银行绩效管理存在的问题及原因分析....17
3.4.1 存在的主要问题 .........17
3.4.2 原因分析 .........19
第 4 章 M 银行采用平衡计分卡必要性与可行性分析.......21
4.1 商业银行欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司经营特
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