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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING An Aging World: 2015 International Population Reports Issued March 2016 P95/16-1 By Wan He, Daniel Goodkind, and Paul Kowal Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Wan He and Daniel Goodkind of the U.S. Census Bureau, and Paul Kowal of the World Health Organization's (WHO) SAGE, under the direction of Loraine A. West, Chief, Demographic and Economic Studies Branch, and general direction of Glenn Ferri, Assistant Division Chief, International Programs and James D. Fitzsimmons, former Acting Assistant Division Chief, International Programs Center for Demographic and Economic Studies, Population Division. Karen Humes, Chief, Population Division provided overall direction. The authors wish to give special acknowledgment to the following researchers who graciously contributed to text boxes that focus on special and frontier research topics in population aging: Martina Brandt, TU Dortmund University; Robert Cumming, University of Sydney; Christian Deindl, University of Cologne; Karen I. Fredriksen- Goldsen, University of Washington; Mary C. McEniry, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Joel Negin, University of Sydney; and Kirstin N. Sterner, University of Oregon. Research for and production of this report were supported under an interagency agreement with the Division of Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute on Aging (NIA). The authors are grateful to many people within the Census Bureau who made this publi- cation possible by providing literature and data search, table and graph production, verif- cation, and other general report preparation: Samantha Sterns Cole, Laura M. Heaton, Mary Beth Kennedy, Robert M. Leddy, Jr., Lisa R. Lollock, Andrea Miles, Iris Poe, and David Zaslow. The authors give special thanks to Joshua Comenetz, Population Division, for his thorough review. Reviewers from NIA provided valuable comments and constructive suggestions, including: David Bloom, Harvard University; David Canning, Harvard University; Somnath Chatterji, World Health Organization; Eileen Crimmins, University of Southern California; Ronald D. Lee, University of California, Los Angeles, Berkeley; Alyssa Lubet, Harvard University; Angela M. O’Rand, Duke University; John Romley, University of Southern California; Amanda Sonnega, University of Michigan; and anony- mous reviewers from NIA. Statistical testing review was conducted by James Farber, Demographic Statistical Methods Division. For cartographic work, the authors thank Steven G. Wilson and John T. Fitzwater, Population Division. Christine E. Geter of the Census Bureau’s Public Information Ofce and Linda Chen and Faye Brock of the Center for New Media and Promotion provided publication management, graphics design and composition, and editorial review for print and elec- tronic media. George E. Williams of the Census Bureau's Administrative and Customer Services Division provided printing management. In Memory of Dr. Richard M. Suzman The Population Division of the U.S. Census Bureau wishes to express our deep gratitude and pay tribute to Dr. Richard M. Suzman, director of Division of Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute on Aging, who passed away on April 16, 2015. A pioneer and champion for the science of population aging, Dr. Suzman played a critical role in developing the aging research program in the Population Division. For over three decades he steadfastly supported numerous Census Bureau publications focused on population aging trends and demographic, socioeconomic, and health characteristics of the older populations in the United States and the world. Enormously popular report series such as 65+ in the United States and An Aging World are a remarkable testimony to Dr. Suzman’s dedication to research on population aging which, in his words, is reshaping our world. U.S. Department of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Secretary Bruce H. Andrews, Deputy Secretary Economics and Statistics Administration Justin Antonipillai, Counselor, Delegated Duties of Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. CENSUS BUREAU John H. Thompson, Director P95/16-1 An Aging World: 2015Issued March 2016 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看

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