A Deloitte series on cognitive technologies
Demystifying artifcial
What business leaders need to
know about cognitive technologies
Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Enterprise Science offering employs data science,
cognitive technologies such as machine learning, and advanced algorithms to
create high-value solutions for clients. Services include cognitive automation,
which uses cognitive technologies such as natural language processing to
automate knowledge-intensive processes; cognitive engagement, which applies
machine learning and advanced analytics to make customer interactions
dramatically more personalized, relevant, and proftable; and cognitive insight,
which employs data science and machine learning to detect critical patterns, make
high-quality predictions, and support business performance. For more information
about the Enterprise Science offering, contact Plamen Petrov (ppetrov@deloitte.
com) or Rajeev Ronanki (rronanki@deloitte).
Overview | 2
Artifcial intelligence and cognitive technologies | 3
Cognitive technologies are already in wide use | 8
Why the impact of cognitive technologies is growing | 10
How can your organization apply cognitive technologies | 13
Endnotes | 14
What business leaders need to know about cognitive technologiesI
N the last several years, interest in artifcial
intelligence (AI) has surged. Venture capital
investments in companies developing and
commercializing AI-related products and
technology have exceeded $2 billion since
2011.1 Technology companies have invested
billions more acquiring AI startups. Press cov-
erage of the topic has been breathless, fueled
by the huge investments and by
pundits asserting that computers
are starting to kill jobs, will soon
be smarter than people, and could
threaten the survival of human-
kind. Consider the following:
to commercializing Watson, its
cognitive computing platform.2
ments in AI in recent years,
including acquiring eight robot-
ics companies and a machine-
learning company.3
to create an AI laboratory with the goal of
bringing major advances in the feld.4
published a study estimating that 47 percent
of total US employment is “at risk” due to
the automation of cognitive tasks.5
New York Times
Te Second
Machine Age
argued that digital technolo-
gies and AI are poised to bring enormous
positive change, but also risk signifcant
negative consequences as well, including
mass unemployment.6
investing in AI “to keep an eye” on it.7 He
has said it is potentially “more dangerous
than nukes.”8
Hawking said that success in creating true
AI could mean the end of human history,
“unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”9
Amid all the hype, there is signifcant
commercial activity underway in the area of
AI that is afecting or will likely soon afect
organizations in every sector. Business leaders
should understand what AI really is and where
it is heading.
A useful defnition of artifcial
intelligence is the theory and
development of computer
systems able to perform
tasks that normally require
human intelligence.
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