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Research on the function of M & A fund in the deep level
reform of state-owned enterprises
State-owned-enterprises reform is one of i mportant contents to deepen the
economic system reform in China. From the perspective of development of st ated-
owned enterprises, the refor m is themed by “decentralization” and efficiency
improvement. Since the 3rd Plenary Sessi on of the 18th Central Committee, it has
been built the “1+N” top fra me design of the new-r ound reform of state-owne d
enterprises and assets, and proposed extensive contents of de epen reform and
matching guidance, of which “ managing capital” and “adjusting structure” are core
measures, which reshuff le, split and separ ate state-owned enterprises by a pplying
capital market & marketization and conduct capital operation to i mprove its quality
and efficiency. Compare with the for mer state-owned enterprises reform, all the
measures of this round state-owned enterprises refor m are highly relevant. Thes e
measures try to solve more deep level a nd multidimensional restricts and problems of
the development of state-owned enterprises refor m. Therefore, this paper defined this
round state-owned-enterprises ref orm as the “deep level” reform of state-owne d
enterprises. The M&A fund belongs to a newly created financial capital, which can
improve capital operation and management performance. This conforms to demands of
institutional investors in the state-owned-enterprises reform and provides new
solutions and tools. This paper focused on functions of financial tools and capital
platforms in this round of state-owned ente rprises and assets reform, especially rapi d
functions of M&A fund in the state-owned enterprise reform and development. Further,
this paper studied the following four aspects. First of all, analyze functions of M&A
fund based on theory and practice and expl ore unique advantages of its operating
mechanism; then, describe location of theory of state-owned enterprises, analyze its
common development tendency and clarify factors to restrain its development; further,
clarify optimization effects of M&A fund concerning state-owned economy’s layoutIV
and structure, capital operation, corporate governance etc. by combining theoretical
analysis and e mpirical analysis. Finally, this paper put forward how to ac hieve
maximal effects of M&A fund based on policy and institutional arrangements.
Key words: M&A fund; state-owned enterprise; reform; function目 录
1 引 言...- 1 -
1.1 选题的背景和意义...........- 1 -
1.1.1 选题的背景- 1 -
1.1.2 选题的意义- 1 -
1.2 国内外相关的文献综述... -1 -
1.2.1 国内外有关并购基金的研究文献.......... -1 -
1.2.3 关于国有企业改革发展的研究文献.......- 3 -
1.3 研究思路和主要结构安排...........- 3 -
1.3.1 研究思路....- 3 -
1.3.2 主要结构安排.......- 4 -
1.4 主要创新与不足...- 4 -
1.4.1 主要创新....- 4 -
1.4.2 不足之处....- 5 -
2 并购基金及其功能特征..- 6 -
2.1 并购基金及其理论基础... -6 -
2.1.1 并购基金的含义和特点...- 6 -
2.1.2 并购基金的理论基础.......- 7 -
2.2 并购基金运行机制...........- 8 -
2.2.1 资金募集....- 8 -
2.2.2 目标企业选择与价值评估...........- 9 -
2.2.3 投资模式与整合增值.......- 9 -
2.2.4 退出机制..- 10 -
2.3 并购基金的功能特征.....- 10 -
2.3.1 并购基金的价值创造功能.........- 10 -
2.3.2 并购基金实现资本市场功能.....- 11 -
2.3.3 并购基金弥补信息不对称的功能......... -11 -
2.4 国内外并购基金的发展历程....- 12 -
2.4.2 中国并购基金的发展情况.........- 13 -
3 国企改革的发展新方向- 16 -3.1 国企改革的发展历程.....- 16 -
3.2 十八届三中全会以来国企“深层次”改革及其具体措施..- 16 -
3.3 当前国有企业面临的问题.......- 17 -
3.3.1 国有经济布局与产业结构需要进一步调整....- 17 -
3.3.2 现代企业制度和公司治理仍需完善.....- 18 -
3.3.3 企业竞争力与管理水平有待提高......... -18 -
3.4 制约国企改革的深层次原因.......
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