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本文立足于 XD 钢构公司的企业实际,汲取一些经典的激励理论和前人的经验智
慧,在理论与实际结合的基础上,重点调查研究 XD 钢构公司的基本现状,组织结构、
国的钢结构欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司有了迅猛的发展,在市场需求的不断变化下,XD 钢构公司完成了初
优化后的方案能有效引导 XD 钢构公司的一线生产型员工致力于提高自身的技能水平,
酬,提升了企业归属感。笔者希望通过本文的研究对 XD 钢构公司薪酬体系的完善具
有实际的指导作用。该薪酬体系的优化设计,旨在减少 XD 钢构公司技能型人才的流
关键词:技能型员工, 薪酬体系, 激励ABSTRACT
Along with the rapid development of the modern business world, our country are also
gradually improve the market economic environment. In order to win the competition
advantage in the market, the modern steel structure enterprise not only expand the
production scale, and constantly adjust product structure, technology is more and more be
enterprise production management attention, so there are more and more demand for
skilled workers. Due to the long enterprise recruitment and employment of our thinking is
biased, many skilled employees are ignored, enterprises in the recruitment difficult
phenomenon. But the arrival of the global knowledge economy, product production and
business operation mode, and personnel management way those routes are changed, how to
through the transformation of development of the enterprise, make enterprise operating
income improved, it has become a modern enterprise shall be by way of growing mature.
The improvement of labor productivity, the renewal of the traditional production
technology, the growth of the enterprise development speed, scientific and technical
operation gradually replaced by a single type of mechanical operation work and broader
job category, business related more closely, cooperation more surface, so you need
employees have more comprehensive knowledge and skills, which can lead to positions of
enterprises on a line of production demand for skilled workers and the craving degree is
also rising. Thus, normal production staff to skilled employees, makes the corresponding
compensation system must also arises at the historic moment, in this way can we better
attract talents and retain talents.
Based on XD steel structure company&39;s actual, draw some classical incentive theory and
experience the wisdom of his predecessors, on the basis of the combination theory with
practice, focus on the investigation and study XD steel structure of the company&39;s basic
situation, the organizational structure, human resources, to find the deficiency of the
company in compensation system. Through questionnaire survey, to the employee on pay
satisfaction situation and skilled employees of the company&39;s pay system optimization
design. Steel structure industry of our country in recent years, with the swift and violent
development, under the changing of market demand, XD steel structure company
completed a preliminary scale expansion, after will certainly faces the challenge of product
technology promotion, the company formed the core competitiveness of the key. The西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文
optimized scheme can effectively guide XD production line of steel structure company,
employees to improve their skill levels, adjust their attitude, arouse their work enthusiasm,
make one aspect in complete enterprise production targets at the same time also achieve
satisfaction. Salary incentive can promote employees&39; intelligence, all aspects of physical
investment, give full play to their subjective initiative and creativity, prompted the healthy
development of enterprises to actively positive results, increases the employee&39;s actual
compensation, improve the enterprise a sense of belonging. The author hope that through
this article research the XD structural steel company has practical guidance for perfecting
the compensation system. The optimal design of the compensation system, designed to
reduce the loss of the XD steel structure company skilled talents, better to create more
benefit for the enterprise, a corporate vision.
Keywords:Skilled Staff,Compensation Management System,Motivation插图索引
图 1.1 研究思路框架图 ..7
图 1.2 薪酬的构成 .....11
图 2.1 马斯洛需求层次理论图 .......13
图 2.2 期望-效价模型 ..16
图 3.1 组织机构结构图 .20
图 3.2 性别分布状况 ...22
图 3.3 年龄分布状况 ...22
图 3.4 学历分布状况 ...23
图 3.5 技能分布状况 ...23
图 3.6 2015-2016 年员工离职数据统计24
图 3.7 XD 钢构公司现有薪酬结构图...24
图 4.1 薪酬体系优化设计流程 .......34
图 4.2 XD 钢构公司技能型员工薪酬优化体系.......41表格索引
表 3.1 技能型员工分布表21
表 3.2 员工节日费 .....25
表 3.3 员工薪酬满意度调查样本的基本情况表 .....27
表 3.4 XD 钢构公司薪酬满意度问卷数据统计表.....28
表 4.1 XD 钢构公司操作技术岗位设置表...........35
表 4.2 XD 钢构公司制造部的岗位说明书...........36
表 4.3 报酬要素表 .....37
表 4.4 技能型员工职位点数表 .......38
表 4.5 XD 钢构公司与相类似企业技能型员工薪酬对比表.........38
表 4.6 2016 年技能型员工的薪酬水平.39
表 4.7 与工作任务相对应的技能模块..40
表 4.8 薪酬结构占比表 .41
表 4.9 XD 钢构公司专业技能岗位操作技能表.......42
表 4.10 XD 钢构公司员工技能工资标准43
表 4.11 XD 钢构公司技能型员工晋级认证表........43
表 4.12 XD 钢构公司员工工龄工资标准44
表 4.13 XD 钢构公司员工学历工资标准44目录
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