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Analysis of Competitiveness Improvement on Binzhou Economic
and Technological Development Zone’s Cultural Industy
With the deepening development of the world economy and the continuous
transformation and upgrading of developing methods, cultural industry which had the
factors of high value-added, sustainable development, large-capacity employment
opportunities and higher growth, has attracted more and more countries’ attentions, and
regarded it as a pillar industry. Since the 21st century, China regarded cultural industry as a
new growth point of economic development and an important point in transforming
economic development, many regions set off a wave of the development of cultural
industries. From the development practice at home and abroad, cluster is not only an
effective way to improve the competitiveness of cultural industries, but also an inevitable
choice. This paper takes Binzhou Economic Development Zone(Hereinafter referred to as
BEDZ) as the research object. There are several problems about BEDZ culture industry such
as weak strength, unreasonable structure, and low cluster concentration. This is also the
same problem in most areas of China. Therefore, It is of great practical significance to
summarize the inherent laws of the development of cultural industries in ordinary non -
central cities and to enhance the competitiveness of regional cultural industries.
This paper first introduces the theoretical basis and practical reference for the later
analysis through the theoretical analysis of cultural industry and the experience of domestic
and foreign development. And then further introduces the existing resources and platform of
cultural industry in BEDZ, and uses the Shift-Share Method to establish the model toABSTRACT
analysis the BEDZ cultural industry, and also through the SWOT analysis to establish
the matrix, to evalutate BEDZ cultural industry cluster competitiveness, According to the
analysis results, the author puts forward some suggestions on developing three cultural
industry cluster modes, and finally puts raise the policy suggestions to strengthen the
competitiveness of CI cluster in BEDZ.
Wang Po(MBA)
Supervised by Zhao Hongyan
Key Words: Cultural Industry Cluster, Competitiveness, Countermeasure目录
第一章 绪论...........1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义......1
1.1.1 研究背景...1
1.1.2 研究意义....2
1.2 研究思路与方法..3
1.2.1 研究思路...3
1.2.2 研究方法...4
1.3 创新点.......5
第二章 文化产业集群相关理论研究.......6
2.1 文化产业相关理论...........6
2.1.1 文化产业界定........6
2.1.2 文化产业的特征....7
2.2 文化产业集群相关理论...9
2.2.1 文化产业集群界定 ...........9
2.2.2 文化产业集群的发展模式 .........10
2.3 文化产业竞争力相关理论 ........12
2.3.1 文化产业竞争力的基本内涵 ......12
2.3.2 文化产业竞争力的影响因素分析 ..........13
第三章 滨州经济开发区文化产业集群竞争力分析.....16
3.1 滨州经济开发区文化产业集群发展分析 ........16
3.1.1 自然资源..16
3.1.2 乡村旅游资源.....18
3.1.3 民俗资源..19
3.1.4 主要文化企业......20
3.2.滨州经济开发区文化产业集群竞争力的实证分析 .....23
3.2.1 评价模型的介绍和原始数据的说明 ......23
3.2.2 实证分析..33
3.2.3 评价结果..34
3.3 滨州经济开发区文化产业集群 SWOT 分析....35
3.3.1 优势分析(Strengths) ........35
3.3.2 劣势分析(Weaknesses) ..........36
3.3.3 机遇分析(Opportunities) ........37目录
3.3.4 挑战分析(Threats) ......38
第四章 国外文化产业集群竞争力探析.42
4.1 美国.........42
4.1.1 美国文化产业集群概况 ..42
4.1.2 美国文化产业集群竞争力探析 .........
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