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23-24 February2017 / The Egg, Brussels
Conference Report
Reconstructing the Union
用重复添加。备注:研究报告Introductory note
Reconstructing the Union was the ambitious but timely theme of CEPS’ fourth big forum for debate, the Ideas Lab.
Experts from 11 policy domains shared their insights on the many and complex challenges facing Europe. In the view of
many participants, this was the best Ideas Lab to date, with a total of 834 attending the event over two days.
This report gives an overview of the insights gleaned from the many discussions that took place during Lab and plenary
sessions, prime talks and interactive debates.
The 2017 CEPS Ideas lab was organised in collaboration with the Maltese Presidency of the European Council and the
Malta Financial Services Authority; we are enormously grateful to both for their support and contributions. A number of
other research institutes and foundations also contributed to individual Labs with both human and fnancial resources, and
various CEPS corporate members also provided fnancial support. We thank them all for helping to make this year’s Ideas
Lab a success.
The Egg, 23-24 February
Reconstructing the Union
Insights from CEPS Ideas Lab 2017
■ Opening Plenary: Reconstructing the Union 4
Digital Economy & Innovation 5
Better Regulation & Sustainable Development 8
Energy & Climate 11
Trade & the Single Market 13
Finance 15
Economy 18
Social Europe 20
Rights & Security 23
Institutions 27
Europe in the World 30
Brexit 32
■ Prime Talk: In Troubled Waters – Migration Challenges in the Mediterranean 34
■ Prime Talk: Between China and the EU – Making the Silk Road Run Smoothly 36
■ Prime Talk: EU Budget Reforms for post-2020 – Perfect Storm or Flop 37
■ Prime Talk:Who will continue to carry the torch Changing global climate change
leaders in the Trump era 38
■ Prime Talk: Ex Machina – Towards an Ethics of Algorithms 39
■ Concluding Plenary: Scenarios for the EU in a Changing World 40
■ Special Lecture: European (Dis-)integration in an Age of Populism 41
■ Partners, Sponsors & Supporters 42
ceps.euIdeas Lab 2017 Conference Report
Table of ContentsSpeaker: Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta
CEPS Chairman Joaquín Almunia opened the event,
highlighting its unique interactive features as a meeting
place for policymakers, think-tankers, academics and
representatives of the business world.
Jocelyn Kiley of the Pew Research Center briefly presented
their study on the attitudes of Americans and Europeans
towards diversity and refugees. Ms Kiley concluded that
while there were huge differences of opinion among
Europeans on these issues, a common fnding was that
young people in all countries were more willing to “embrace
diversity” and see refugees as a beneft to societies.
The keynote address was given by the Right Honourable
Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta. In keeping with
the experimental nature of an Ideas Lab, he offered up fve
ideas to “provoke” debate. Mr Muscat stressed, however,
that he was speaking in his capacity as a frustrated
European citizen rather than as the Prime Minister of his
country. His discussion points were:
■ The EU should create a Social Pact to counter the
many inequalities created by globalisation; the Pact
should be linked to the idea of a social union and
social mobility.
■ The EU should set up a European ‘Brexit’ Fund to
counter populism in communities that feel detached
from the European project.
■ Europe should stay engaged with Turkey and open
Chapter 24 negotiations on Justice, Freedom and
■ Citizenship should be an innovative policy tool used by
member states to give home to talented minds in the
global race for the future.
■ Europe should become the “Bitcoin continent”;
rather than resist the slow rise of crypto-currencies,
European regulators should be more innovative in how
they protect consumers.
The ensuing question and answer session revealed that
there is indeed a great demand for the EU to innovate in
order to stay relevant for its citizens.
After the opening keynote speech, participants dispersed
into the parallel discussion sessions, which are summarised
in the following pages.
Opening Plenary: Reconstructing the Union
Jocelyn Kiley, Joseph Muscat and Joaquín Almunia

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