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本文以立足于现阶段制造企业 AB 集团公司内部营销审计中存在问题,以价值增值为主线,
关键词:价值增值 内部审计 营销审计II
With the ever-changing economic environment, the management of enterprises increasingly
demanding, especially marketing management, because the success of marketing directly determines the
survival of enterprises. Today, the marketing theory with the complexity of the business environment has
undergone a major change from 4C strategy to challenge the traditional 4P strategy, and then put forward
the idea of integrated marketing communication.In the internal audit of China&39;s marketing audit for less
attention, and with the rapid development of enterprise marketing strategy, the traditional internal audit
management thinking of the disadvantages and lagging behind gradually emerged, the management concept
needs to be replaced, and can make up for the traditional Internal audit deficiencies are value-oriented
internal audits. In this paper, the author puts forward the idea of the integration of marketing theory and
value-added theory, which is a useful exploration of new internal marketing audit. Taking AB Group as an
example, this paper analyzes the marketing strategy of AB Group and the problems in marketing
management, and puts forward the value of AB&39;s marketing audit into the value-added value, which can
promote the enterprise&39;s marketing management Enhance and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
In this paper, based on the existing problems in the internal marketing audit of the manufacturing
enterprise AB company, the paper puts forward the technical method of the internal marketing audit based
on the value increment, from the aspects of the concept, the goal, the realization way and the development
analysis. Process system, and through case analysis, the enterprise value-oriented internal marketing audit
can effectively optimize the corporate governance structure, improve the enterprise management system,
enhance the strategic execution of enterprises, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises to make a
Key words: Value added Internal Audit Marketing auditIII
摘要 .......Ⅰ
Abstract ...Ⅱ
第 1 章绪论 ..1
1.1 研究背景和意义 ..1
1.1.1 研究背景...1
1.1.2 研究意义...2
1.2 国内外研究文献综述 ..........3
1.2.1 价值增值国内外研究综述.3
1.2.2 营销审计国内外研究综述.....5
1.3 研究内容和方法 ..7
1.3.1 研究内容...7
1.3.2 研究方法...7
第 2 章相关理论和研究方法 8
2.1 价值增值内部审计理论 ........8
2.1.1 价值增值型内部审计的含义...........8
2.1.2 价值增值型内部审计的作用...........9
2.2 营销审计理论10
2.2.1 营销审计的概念和内涵..10
2.2.2 营销审计的特点........10
2.2.3 营销审计的本质........11
2.3 价值增值营销审计的理念..12
2.3.1 价值增值营销审计的含义和目标......12
2.4 本章小结........13
第 3 章 AB 集团公司内部营销审计管理现状及问题分析 14
3.1AB 集团公司简介..14
3.2AB 集团公司内部营销审计的现状和存在问题..14
3.2.1 内部审计机构设置不合理14
3.2.2 内部审计人员素质不高、知识结构单一14
3.2.3 内部审计业务领域开展不够深入......16
3.2.4 内部审计工作质量不高..17
3.3AB 集团公司内部审计存在问题的原因分析....18
3.3.1 公司内部对内部审计的认识存在偏差..18
3.3.2 内审部门工作效率低下..18
3.3.3 内部审计人际关系不够协调..........18
3.4 本章小结........19
第 4 章基于价值增值的 AB 集团公司内部营销审计管理 20
4.1 价值增值导向的营销审计模式分析 .........20
4.1.1 价值增值内部营销审计的内容........20
4.1.2 基于价值增值的内部营销审计模式的优势..........26
4.2 基于价值增值的 AB 集团公司内部营销审计的实现 ........27IV
4.2.1 业务流程重组..........27
4.2.2 组织结构再造 .........27
4.2.3 企业文化创新..........28
4.3AB 集团公司价值增值的内部营销审计管理发展分析........28
4.3.1 价值增值型内部营销审计的初审阶段..30
4.3.2 价值增值内部营销审计的评审阶段....31
4.3.3 价值增值内部营销审计的结论阶段....32
4.3.4 价值增值内部营销审计的后续阶段....33
4.4 本章小结 .......33
第 5 章结论与未来研究展望 ...........34
5.1 主要研究结论 ...34
5.2 不足和未来研究展望 .........34
参考文献 ...37
致 谢 .....39
作 者 简 介 411
第 1 章绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.1.1 研究背景
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