For Shanghai Office
Celia Hsu, Taipei Office
July 26, 2002 Creating Supply Chain Value through Synchronization For Shanghai Office
Celia Hsu, Taipei Office
July 26, 1999 通过同步化创造供应链价值 2002Do you know what is happening in the dynamic business world Less than half of the Fortune 500 from 20 years ago remain on the list today. How to survive and outperform emerging competitors
Increasingly services and supply chain management will provide competitive differentiation.
Improve customer insight and value focus but maintain lean costs
Focus on learning (continuous improvement) and change (entrepreneurship) Why
Insufficient customer insight
Failed to embrace technology
Accumulated true bottlenecks costs in their Supply Chains. 2002Do you know what is happening in the dynamic business world 不足一半的20年前的财富500强仍然存在于今天的名单中 如何生存并战胜新兴的竞争对手
关注学习 (不断的改善) 和变化 (企业家的身份[地位、职权、能力]) 原因何在
累积的供应链方面成本瓶颈. 2002Innovative companies say their future success relies on the strength of their supply chains. Making supply chain strategy an integral part of their business model
Creating value and expanding market presence through strategic supply chain partnerships
Harnessing technology and information to reduce costs and assets and speed delivery
“We focus on how we can coordinate our activities to create the most value for customers.”
Michael Dell
HBR Interview, June 1998
“You’re only as good as your supply chain.”
Mary Murphy-Hoye, Intel
CIO Magazine, August 1998
“Through greater information sharing, we create a very different looking process and team working process that doesn't respect traditional boundaries.”
Joe Masse, Vice-President, Warner-Lambert
CDDN Interview, October 1998 2002创新型企业说,企业将来的将成功依赖于供应链的加强 把供应链战略做为企业商业模型的不可或缺的部分
Michael Dell
HBR Interview, June 1998
Mary Murphy-Hoye, Intel
CIO Magazine, August 1998
“尽管更多的信息共享, 我们创造了一种与众不同的寻找方法和团队工作方法, 该方法不考虑传统的范围.”
Joe Masse, Vice-President, Warner-Lambert
CDDN Interview, October 1998 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看