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Maria C. Lytell, Susan G. Straus, Chad C. Serena, Geoffrey Grimm,
James L. Doty III, Jennie W. Wenger, Andrea A. Golay, Andrew M. Naber,
Clifford A. Grammich, Eric S. Fowler
Assessing Competencies
and Profciency of Army
Intelligence Analysts Across
the Career Life Cycle
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available for this publication.
ISBN: 978-0-8330-9753-8
Published by the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif.
R is a registered trademark.
In a series of two interrelated research projects, “Assessing Analytic Profciency” and “Prof-
ciency Across the All-Source Analyst Career Life Cycle,” the Deputy Chief of Staf, G-2, U.S.
Army, asked RAND Arroyo Center to develop and implement a process to assess key analytic
competencies and profciency of enlisted personnel in the 35F military occupational specialty,
intelligence analyst, and to design a protocol for ongoing evaluation.
Tis report describes the design and execution of the evaluation approach and presents
results. Te evaluation approach includes identifying key analytic competencies and career
life-cycle factors that afect competency development, identifying and designing methods and
measures to assess analysts’ competencies and profciency in training and on the job, and using
these methods and measures to collect data from both entry-level and experienced 35F ana-
lysts. Te report will be of interest to those seeking to develop and measure analytical compe-
tencies and profciency in institutional training and on the job.
Tis research was sponsored by the Deputy Chief of Staf, G-2, U.S. Army, and con-
ducted within the RAND Arroyo Center’s Personnel, Training, and Health Program. RAND
Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and develop-
ment center sponsored by the United States Army.
Te Project Unique Identifcation Codes (PUICs) for the projects that produced this
document are HQD146652 and HQD156812.

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