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In July 11, 2015, the Seventh Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of
the Beijing Municipal Committee adopted the opinions on the implementation of Beijing
Tianjin Hebei collaborative development plan . The meeting proposed to focus on
Tongzhou and accelerate the construction of municipal administrative sub center, the
following year changed to Beijing City sub center. Urban sub center will undertake to ease
the central city industry, and solve the problem of population density and other important
tasks. The population status and characteristics of Tongzhou District are important factors
that must be taken into consideration in the construction of urban sub centers and the
economic development of enterprises. The population environment is an important part of
the macro economic environment, and it has profound influence on the local people&39;s
well-being. However, there are few literatures about the population of Tongzhou District.
Based on the population statistics, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the
population, age and structural characteristics of Tongzhou District by means of population,
Pyramid and population burden index. The analysis found that the current Tongzhou
District population characteristics: total growth stabilization, high population density and
uneven distribution, a large proportion of foreign population, level of Education Promotion.
Prominent social problems are: Aging population, heavy social burden, urbanization needs
further development, housing employment imbalance. Through the research, this article
gives the suggestion of the current population situation from two aspects of the
government and the enterprise. The Government should further recognize that the floating
population is an important component of Tongzhou District&39;s economic and social
development. It is necessary to change management ideas. The construction of
urbanization should be based on local conditions and focus on local urbanization. The
imbalance between job and residence needs to be promoted from the angles of industry
layout, housing supply and traffic management. Enterprises should find business
opportunities on the basis of population analysis, layout industry positioning, identify
marketing strategies.
KEYWORDS: Urban sub center,Tong Zhou District, population statusv
目 录
第 1 章 导 论.......1
1.1 研究背景......... 1
1.2 研究意义......... 1
1.3 研究内容和方法......... 2
1.3.1 研究内容.........2
1.3.2 研究方法.........2
1.4 创新与不足之处......... 2
第 2 章 文献综述...4
2.1 人口及相关理论......... 4
2.2 人口老龄化..... 5
2.3 人口城镇化..... 6
2.4 职业-居住关系研究... 7
2.5 本章小结......... 8
第 3 章 通州区人口概述...9
3.1 通州区人口概况......... 9
3.1.1 人口总量及其变化.....9
3.1.2 人口密度及分布.......11
3.2 人口性别失衡........... 13
3.2.1 人口性别比...13
3.2.2 分年龄性别比...........13
3.3 人口年龄结构........... 14
3.4 受教育程度情况....... 15
3.4.1 平均受教育年限上升...........16
3.4.2 在校生人数上升.......16
3.5 本章总结.
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