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the highway construction project is affected by time, capital, environment, construction
personnel and other factors. Among them, the work input of road workers is one of the
important factors that affect the project schedule and quality. The road construction workers
work, is not only an important factor affecting the construction progress of the project, an
important aspect of the construction management of construction enterprise is carried out,
directly affect the construction enterprise economic benefit and social benefit. Therefore, in
the process of highway construction project management, it is necessary to pay attention to
the work input management of construction workers. At present, the use of a large number of
construction workers in the expressway construction project construction in China, their huge
number, strong liquidity, high labor intensity, life is relatively concentrated, the vast majority
of rural young adults, with typical characteristics of the group. Road workers in the work
process, widespread enthusiasm is not high, job burnout phenomenon, affect the construction
quality and construction period of the highway, increase the difficulties for project
management. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out the research on the work input
of road workers.
The proposed JD-R model on Arnold B. Bakker as the theoretical framework and related
questionnaire survey work of 300 JQ high speed road construction workers in construction
project, from the two aspects of work demands and resources to explore the mechanism of JQ
high speed road construction workers work, the specific relationship between work demands,
job resources and work engagement, and job involvement of the workers and the task
performance. Research shows that workers investment mainly includes vigor, dedication and
focus on three dimensions; job requirements include three dimensions psychological quality,
work load and working environment; work resources including social support, occupation
return, four dimensions of work autonomy and organization relationship. The results of the
questionnaire survey show that the JQ high speed road workers have higher workrequirements and lower work resources. The main factors that affect the work engagement of
JQ high speed road workers are 6 factors, such as physical and mental health, work load, work
environment, social support, career returns and organizational support. In addition,
demographic factors, age factors and working time can also affect the work of road workers.
Therefore, the JQ high speed project managers should focus on work requirements, work
resources and staff demographic factors to enhance the work of the three levels of investment.
Keywords: Road workers; JD-R model; Job involvement; JQ high speed project
Thesis :Monographic study目录
1 绪论......1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义...1
1.1.1 选题背景1
1.1.2 研究意义2
1.2 国内外研究现状..........3
1.2.1 国外研究现状....3
1.2.2 国内研究现状....5
1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述....7
1.3 研究内容与研究方法..8
1.3.1 研究内容8
1.3.2 研究方法8
1.3.3 技术路线9
2 相关理论综述.........10
2.1 工作投入研究的理论基础.....10
2.1.1 资源保存理论..10
2.1.2 社会认知理论..11
2.1.3 自我决定理论.......

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