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针对 Bank3.0 时代商业银行客户管理人员专业度不足、客户管理的操作系统有待
提升、绩效考核设置不合理等问题,本文以笔者工作过的 C 银行 Z 分行为参照标的,
通过对客户关系管理理论及相关理论的综述,从 C 银行 Z 分行的个人客户关系管理
系管理方面的首要工作。最后结合商业银行公信力-客户关系调整模型,为 C 银行 Z
As the new era of Bank3.0 approaching, the development tendency of commercial
banks in the future is not only limited in specific financing business, but also covering
financial behavior. In this new era, bank service is ubiquitous, supplying service as demand
whenever and wherever. Social media authorize consumers right to be sound bypublic about
their comment on bank service, which could be considered as reflection in accountability of
commercial banks. Consumers would build their own valuation system based on the bank
accountability, and started to do business afterwards. Therefore, the accountability of
commercial bank organization becomes more and more important for consumers to make
decision, and the transformation of commercial banks and consumers relationship is getting
even more important. Commercial banks need continuous self-evaluation on their own
accountability, and concentrate superior forces on customers’ relationship maintenance,
proactively supply consumers with satisfactory and professional service by their advantage.
However, there are still certain misunderstanding about customer relationship management
and customer segmentation from commercials banks currently, further adjustment and
improvement is needed. Therefore, in this new era of Bank3.0, how to improve their
accountability, and how to develop the customer relationship management, is the vital
question confronted by commercial banks. To the problem that insufficient professionalism
of customer relationship management in commercial banks, imperfect of customer
maintenance system, and unreasonable performance appraisal in era bank3.0, this paper
would focus on branch Z of bank C, by the comprehensive review on CRM related theory
and journals, study the current situation of personal customer relationship management, and
analyze the surveyreport from consumers about bank accountability, come up with the main
problem on CRM in professionalism, creditability and convenience, the three dimension.
Finally, this paper would try to provide with some recommendation on improvement of
personal consumer relationship for branch Z of bank C, and present the feasibility of it from
perspective of finance, staff and system etc.
Key words: Customers relationship management; Commercial banks;Accountability目录
致谢 ... I
摘要 .. II
Abstract ......... III
第 1 章 绪论 ........ 1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义 ........ 1
1.1.1 选题背景 .. 1
1.1.2 研究意义 .. 2
1.2 国内外研究文献综述 ........ 2
1.2.1 客户关系管理研究现状 .. 2
1.2.2 组织公信力国内外研究现状 .......... 4
1.3 研究内容和框架5
1.4 研究方法与创新点 .......... 6
1.4.1 本文研究方法 .......... 6
1.4.2 创新之处 . 7
第 2 章 相关概念和理论基础 ...... 8
2.1 客户关系管理理论 .......... 8
2.1.1 客户关系管理的定义 ... 8
2.1.2 客户关系管理与客户满意和忠诚 ..... 8
2.1.3 满意与忠诚的关系 ..... 8
2.2 声誉管理理论 . 9
2.2.1 声誉管理的定义 ....... 9
2.2.2 声誉管理的重要性 ...... 9
2.2.3 声誉管理的方式 ....... 9
2.3 行为金融学理论 ........... 10
2.3.1 行为金融学的定义 .... 10
2.3.2 行为金融学的研究现状10第 3 章 C 银行 Z 分行个人客户关系管理现状及问题.......... 12
3.1 C 银行 Z 分行简况 ......... 12
3.2 外部环境分析 . 12
3.3 C 银行 Z 分行个人客户关系管理现状 ..... 12
3.3.1 C 银行 Z 分行个人金融业务发展现状 . 12
3.3.2 C 银行 Z 分行个人客户关系管理系统发展现状 ..... 14
3.3.3 C 银行 Z 分行客户细分原则 ......... 15
3.3.4 C 银行 Z 分行个人金融业务客户品牌管理体系现状 . 16
3.3.5 结合公信力调查问卷的现状分析 ..... 19
3.4 C 银行 Z 分行个人客户关系管理中存在的问题 ......... 23
3.4.1 个人客户关系管理专业度不足的问题 . 23
3.4.2 个人客户关系管理诚信度不足的问题 . 24
3.4.3 个人客户关系管理便捷度不足的问题 . 25
第 4 章 银行 Z 分行个人客户关系管理优化方案设计 ......... 28
4.1 商业银行公信力-客户关系调整模型构建 .. 28
4.2 个人客户关系管理专业度优化方案设计 ... 29
4.2.1 提升员工业务能力 ..... 29
4.2.2 客户资源细分方案优化 . 30
4.2.3 优化客户欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析设计 . 30
4.3 个人客户关系管理诚信度优化方案设计
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