Journalism, Media, and
Technology Trends and
Nic Newman
About the Author4
Executive Summary 5
1.Looking Back at 2017 7
2.Key Trends and Predictions for 2018 12
2.1 Breaking Publishers’ Dependence on
2.2 Restoring Trust in the Era of Fake News 16
2.3 Social Media and Messaging in 2018 19
2.4 Social Challenge to Traditional Television
Intensifes 21
2.5 Shifing Business Models: From
Advertising to Reader Payment22
2.6 Data, Registration, and New Permissions
(GDPR) 27
2.7 Newsrooms Embrace Artifcial
Intelligence (AI) 29
3. New Devices and Technologies 34
3.1 Intelligent Speakers, Intelligent Agents
and the Battle for the Home 34
3.2Smartphones and Tablets37
3.3Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual
Reality (VR) 39
3.4 Hearables 42
3.5New Ideas from the East: The Rise of
Asian Tech 42
4.An Uncertain Future46
Postscript 48
Survey Methodology49
Nic Newman is Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and has
been lead author of the annual
Digital News Report
since 2012. He is also a consultant on digital
media, working actively with news companies on product, audience, and business strategies for
digital transition. He has produced a predictions paper for the last eleven years. This is the third to
be published by the Reuters Institute.
Nic was a founding member of the BBC News Website, leading international coverage as World
Editor (1997–2001). As Head of Product Development he led digital teams, developing websites,
mobile, and interactive TV applications for all BBC Journalism sites.
The author is grateful for the input of 194 digital leaders from 29 countries who responded to a
survey around the key challenges and opportunities in the year ahead. Respondents included 35
Editors in Chief and 22 CEOs and 22 Heads of Digital and came from some of the world’s leading
traditional media companies as well as digital born organisations (see full breakdown in appendix).
Survey input and answers helped guide some of the themes in this reports and data have been
used throughout. Many quotes do not carry names or organisations, at the request of those
The author is particularly grateful to the research and administration team at the Reuters Institute
for input, insight, and support – Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Lucas Graves, Alexandra Borchardt, Alessio
Cornia, Annika Sehl, Silvia Majo-Vazquez, Tom Nicholls, Joy Jenkins, Richard Fletcher, Antonis
Kalogeropoulos, and Tim Libert – as well as Christina Koster and Natasa Stuper.
Additional thanks are due to a number of other experts who have contributed themes and
suggestions for this report. Where relevant, these are referenced in the text itself or in footnotes:
George Brock (City University), Charlie Beckett (LSE), Jane Singer (City University), Vivian Schiller
(Independent Advisor), Frederic Filloux (Monday Note), Paul Bradshaw (Birmingham University),
Alfred Hermida (University of British Columbia), Adam Tinworth (Journalist and Publishing Strategist),
Richard Sambrook (Cardif University), Kevin Anderson (Ship’s Wheel Media), Martin Ashplant (Digital
Media Consultant), Tim Weber (Edelman), and Damian Radclife (University of Oregon).
As with many predictions reports there is a signifcant element of speculation, particularly around
specifcs and the paper should be read bearing this in mind. Having said that, any mistakes –
factual or otherwise – should be considered entirely the responsibility of the author who can be
held accountable at the same time next year.
Published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism with the support of Google’s Digital
Executive Summary
This will be a critical year for technology companies as they fght a rising tide of criticism about
their impact on society – and on the journalism industry. Platforms will be increasingly wary of
the reputational damage that ofen comes with news, while many publishers will be trying to
break their dependence on platforms. 2018 will also see a renewed focus on data – as the ability
to collect, process, and use it efectively proves a key diferentiator. Media companies will be
actively moving customers from the ‘anonymous to the known’ so they can develop more loyal
relationships and prepare for an era of more personalised services.
In our Survey of 194 Leading Editors, CEOs, and Digital Leaders
of platforms than this time last year. Only 7% are less worried. Publishers feel more
negatively towards Facebook and Snapchat than they do about Twitter and Google.
barriers to success, they say, are not tech platforms but internal factors (36%) such as
resistance to change and inability to innovate.
revenue in 2018 – more than digital display advertising (38%) and branded and sponsored
content (39%).
same proportion looking at content for voice activated-speakers.
(AI) to support better content recommendations and to drive greater production efciency
(e.g. ‘robo-journalism’).
How Two Industry Leaders See the Year Ahead
Another gigantic news year. Having been burned, platforms somewhat
retreat from news. Most news organizations contemplate or launch pay
models, most of which fail. Given the negative forces pressing on advertising
(print and digital), economic distress in the industry grows. Further
consolidation is one result. AI/intelligent assistants solving for consumer
needs across devices, environments, media is the big tech story of the year.
Mark Thompson, CEO,
New York Times