The changing
of disruptive
Global technology
innovation hubs
The changing landscape of disruptive technologies2017I
1 Foreword
2Global growth of a tenacious tech
innovation ecosystem
8 Innovation management insights
13 Tech innovation country perspectives
32 Survey demographics and methodology
34 About KPMG
25 South Africa
27 United
28 United
KPMG member frms recognize
the importance of innovation
to the technology industry and
the global economy as a whole.
KPMG’s publication series, The
changing landscape of disruptive
technologies, now in its ffth
year, provides perspectives about
technology innovation trends,
top barriers to commercialize
innovation, and insight into
technology innovation leading
As in prior years, we include insights from our annual
survey of more than 800 global technology leaders
including start-up entrepreneurs and FORTUNE 500
executives. The 2017 publication is issued in two
parts, featuring the following topics:
Part 1 | Global technology innovation hubs
showcases the rise of new ecosystems of
incubators, accelerators, and venture capital
alongside government incentives across the
world. In this section, we unfold the cities and
countries that are making signifcant strides in
innovation development and provide 15 country
perspectives. With stakes so high to compete in
a global technology industry ecosystem, we also
examine the global leadership views on innovation
Part 2 | Disruptive technology trends and barriers
to commercialize emerging technologies. In this
issue, to be released in April, we examine the
emerging technologies with the most potential to
disrupt industries and transform business models.
We also assess the monetization opportunities of
these disruptors and adoption challenges by region
and industry.
The spread of tech innovation development is
being fueled by growing ecosystems as technology
innovation has permeated all industries. Technology
continues to enable an unprecedented rise in
creativity, across the world, to solve business
problems and develop new markets in ways never
thought possible. At the same time, the success of
Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurial culture continues to
incentivize countries, all over the world, to become
leading technology innovation hubs. Some countries
are accomplishing their objective to become a
leading innovation hub, while others continue to face
macroeconomic and infrastructure challenges.
Now more than ever, companies across a broad
array of industries are being impacted by the rapid
pace of change in digital arenas. Global and cross-
industry collaborations and partnerships are key to
staying ahead, as is learning how to embrace change
in a nimble way to avoid the status quo for fear of
failure or uncertainty.
We hope you fnd this publication insightful, and we
welcome your suggestions for the next edition.
Tim Zanni
Global and U.S. Technology Sector Leader
Chair of Global and U.S. TMT Line of Business,
Global growth
of a tenacious
tech innovation
United States and China show most promise for
disruptive breakthroughs
Many countries realize innovation investment is critical to increase
economic growth. The investment, development, and adoption of new
technologies continues to spread out from the Silicon Valley epicenter
to tech hubs around the world.
As tech innovations unfold, China is stacking up
to the United States as a leading force. Global
tech industry leaders indicated, in KPMG’s tech
innovation survey, the United States and China are
the world’s dominant tech epicenters—with the
greatest potential to develop disruptive technology
breakthroughs that will have a global impact.
The strong showing for these two mega-powers
is relatively consistent with earlier KPMG surveys,
although this year’s poll refects a slight uptick for
China—25 percent compared with 23 percent the
prior year. China continues to make rapid gains
as the country moves from manufacturing to an
innovation powerhouse led by its large mobile and
digitally advanced consumer and enterprise base.
Visionary entrepreneurial leaders such as Jack Ma of
Alibaba have become known and respected globally.
Chinese tech titans, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and
others, are entering overseas markets, and are
earmarking leading start-ups for acquisition and
2The changing landscape of disruptive technologies2017 2017 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member frms of the KPMG network of independent frms are affliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services.No member frm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member frm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member frm. All rights reserved. 2017 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member frms of the KPMG network of independent frms are affliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services.No member frm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member frm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member frm. All rights reserved.