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本文共 6 章:第 1 章为本文的研究背景与意义;第 2 章介绍相关概念与理论;
第 3 章对 MAC 快递公司的营销环境进行分析;第 4 章通过对现有营销策略进行分
析,针对出现的问题进行研究;第 5 章结合现有营销策略分析与问题研究,提出
改进方案;第 6 章提出实现营销策略的保障措施

本文以对一家民营快递公司 MAC 公司实地走访调研的结果为依据,综合运用
多种营销学理论及工具,在对 MAC 公司的营销环境进行 PEST、SWOT 分析的基础上,
提出 MAC 公司现有的营销策略及存在的问题,研究适用于 MAC 公司的营销策略,
并提出实现营销策略的保障措施。本文旨在以对民营中小型快递公司 MAC 公司营

At present, a large number of private courier companies emerged in China&39;s
express delivery market. However, only a small percentage of them can win a place
under the competition of some state-owned and foreign express delivery companies.
Upon summarizing and analyzing a large number of documents, official websites and
news reports, this paper believes that the lower threshold of market access and
unstandardized system lead to the urgent need for private courier enterprises to take
effective actions to solve problems, which are much more serious than international and
state-owned express enterprises. With the reasonable and healthy development of the
Chinese economy, the gradual increase in demand for express delivery market and the
continuous improvement of the legal system, private courier enterprises have made
great efforts in improving service levels, perfecting the transport system and adjusting
the internal organizational structure, thus gradually expanding their market share. As the
representative of Chinese private courier enterprises, SF, ZTO, STO and YUNDA have
had rapid development in recent years.
This paper consists of 6 chapters: the first chapter is the research background and
significance; the second chapter introduces the related concepts and theoretical analysis;
the third chapter on the marketing environment of MAC express company; the fourth
chapter is based on the existing marketing strategy analysis, conducts the research in
view of the problems; the fifth chapter analysis and combined with the existing
problems of marketing strategy, put forward the sixth chapter put forward the
improvement scheme; implementation of safeguard measures of marketing strategy.
In this paper, with field research data collected from MAC company, using a
variety of marketing theory and tools, based on the PEST and SWOT analysis of MAC&39;s
marketing environment, this paper points out the possible problems in MAC’s existing
marketing strategies, then puts forward the more applicable marketing strategies for
MAC and the corresponding security measures. This paper aims to provide a valuable
help to the development of private medium and small courier companies in the future by
analyzing the marketing strategies of a private courier company MAC.
Key words: Private courier company; Express management; Marketing
environment; Marketing strategy1
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论 ..1
1.1 选题背景意义 .... 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状综述1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 ...... 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状 ...... 3
1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述 ...... 4
1.3 研究的内容和研究方法4
1.4 论文创新点 ........ 5
第 2 章 相关概念及理论概述 ..6
2.1 相关概念6
2.1.1 物流的概念 ...... 6
2.1.2 快递的概念及特点 ..... 6
1. 快递的定义 ... 6
2. 快递的分类 ... 7
3. 快递的特点 .......... 7
2.2 理论基础7
2.2.1 物流基本理论 . 7
2.2.2 营销策略理论 . 8
第 3 章 MAC 公司的营销环境分析..11
3.1 MAC 公司经营状况 ..... 11
3.1.1 组织架构及部门职责 .... 11
3.1.2 车辆配置13
3.1.3 主营产品与服务13
3.2 PEST 分析 ......... 14
3.2.1 政治环境14
3.2.2 经济环境15
3.2.3 社会环境16
3.2.4 技术环境 .......

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