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本文共六个章节:第一章是引言,提出 JK 学院内控研究背景意义,介绍作
因素。第三章是 JK 学院内控情况分析,通过对 JK 学院内控关键点分析,找出
问题,分析问题。第四章是 JK 学院内控优化方案,对 JK 学院组织机构设置、
预决算控制、JK 学院政府采购控制、固定资产内控环节、建设项目内控环节、
对第四章公办 JK 学院优化方案进一步探索保障内控实施机制。第六章是结论与
Colleges and universities as an important department administrative institution,
financial management is the key to the normal operation of the core work, strengthen
the internal control management in colleges and universities, is to guarantee the
normal operation of legal compliance, obtain the guarantee of social benefit. In this
paper, by analyzing the problems of internal control of colleges and universities,
using the scientific method, and find a solution to come to the conclusion that the
hope can give reference for other internal control management of colleges and
universities. Author JK college as samples, in administrative institutions internal
control system, on the basis of theoretical research construct JK college system of
internal control framework. This article from the organization and construction,
government procurement control, construction of fixed assets inventory and
acceptance, project control, contract control, internal control supervision and other
aspects of effective internal control measures are put forward, to safeguard the
state-owned assets, and institute of JK legitimate economic activity, improve the
quality of education the teaching service has a certain significance.
In this paper, a total of five chapters: the first chapter is introduction, JK college
internal control research background, the author used research methods and possible
innovations. Second chapter administrative institutions internal control system theory,
through internal control developments at home and abroad research, this paper
expounds the basic theory of internal control and the difference between the
administrative institutions and enterprise internal control. The third chapter is the
analysis of the internal control for internal control key points in colleges and
universities, find out problems, analyze problems, solve the problem. The fourth
chapter is JK college internal control problems and cause analysis, the organization
setting, JK JK institute of government procurement control, fixed assets of internal
control link, the link of the construction project internal control, the contract takes care
of the audit and supervision of internal control analysis of the problem. The fifthABSTRACT
chapter in the fourth chapter is aimed at the problems existing in the college of public
JK, the authors improved opinions and measures are proposed respectively.
Key words: internal control; Supervision; Budget management;目 录
目 录
第 1 章 引言.....1
1.1 研究背景、意义 .........1
1.1.1 论文选题背景 ...1
1.1.2 本文选题的意义 ...........2
1.2 国内外研究现状 .........3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ...3
1.2.2 我国国内研究现状 .......3
1.3 研究方法及创新点 .....5
1.3.1 研究的方法 .......5
1.3.2 本文创新点与不足 .......5
第 2 章 高校内控分析.6
2.1 内部控制概念 .6
2.2 行政事业单位内部控制的内容 .........6
2.2.1 单位层面内控内容 .......6
2.2.2 业务层面内控内容 .......7
2.3 高校内控的发展现状 ...........10
2.4 高校内控执行影响因素分析 ...........11
2.4.1 内部环境 .........11
2,4.2 风险评估 .........12
2.4.3 内控措施 .........12
2.4.4 信息及其沟通 .13
2.4.5 内控监督 .........14
第 3 章 JK 学院的内控现状..15
3.1 JK 学院内控流程简介...........15
3.2 JK 学院内控现状.......16
3.2.1 组织机构与人员岗位配置情况分析 .16目 录
3.2.2 预算业务控制现状分析 .........18
3.2.3 JK 学院收支业务控制现状分析.........20
3.2.4 JK 学院政府采购内控现状分析.........21
3.2.5 JK 学院固定资产内控现状分析.........22
3.2.6 JK 学院建设项目内控现状分析.........23
3.2.7 JK 学院合同内控现状分析.....23
3.2.8 JK 学院内控监督情况..........
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