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本文以 L 企业作为调研对象,从该企业和企业内部的职能体系的研究出发,通过结
合 L 企业库存管理的现状,给出了意见和建议。库存积压问题已严重制约了 L 企业的发
升等其他不确定性因素。进而提出 L 企业库存积压问题的解决方法和改进措施:(1)对历
测过程中来;(2)运用 ABC 分类法和设置安全库存来调整库存结构,优化业务流程中库
存管理相关环节并增设相关考核制度,同时还要推广和普及 ERP 与其系统中库存管理相
关功能模块的使用以及 RFID 技术下的智能化仓库管理方式;(3)对内严格库存管理审核
关键词:库存积压, 库存管理, 需求预测III
Research on the inventory backlog of L enterprise
Today,with the global economic intergration,many companies are not only facing their golden
age,but also the relatively challenge.For those companies who want to maintain a steady growth
and meanwhile break through the competition,they must do a scientific inventory
management.Many companies are facing such problem:high sales often accompanied by high
inventories,under such mode,superfluous stock would come into being very easy,this will make the
company&39;s cost higher and influent the profit.And the restriction of the superflous stock will lead to
the lack of liquidity,even threaten the company&39;s survival and development.So many large
companies will take reducing the backlog stocking as one of the company&39;s most important
strategies.How to solve the problem of inventory backlog will directly affect the development of
In this paper,we take L company as the research object.Starting from the research of L
company and its internal function system,combine with its present inventory management and
finally give the opinios and suggestion.Inventory backlog problem has seriously restricted the
development of L company.So it becomes urgent to solve this problem.Investigate its deep
reasons,the main cause of the problem include:1,the incorrect predicition for the
demand:2,improper management;3,uncertain factors such as human being factors,custom
problem,the currency devaluation and so on.So finally we get the solution of the backlog stock
problem for L company and also the improvement measure:1,Reorganize and classify the historical
data,then based on this,do different test for the multiple demand perditions;2,Using ABC
classification and set up safety stock to adjust inventory structure,optimize the business process
inventory management related links and add the related appraisal system,but also to promote and
popularize the ERP system in inventory management with the use of related function modules and
RFID technology,the intelligent warehouse management approach;3,Performing the inventory
management system strictly,strengthening training for the inventory management personnel.Be
familiar with Nigeria local policies,establish the relationship with local government.Avoid or
reduce the negative impaction caused by the currency devaluation and so on uncertain factors by
using the forward settlement of exchange and so on other ways.
To solve the problem of backlog stock,not only need the optimation of the business process
and improvement of the management method,but also the support from an perfect information
system,the most important is the fully implementation and effective cooperation from the
employess.Premise,the company then can establish and efficient inventory managementIV
system,realize the rational allocation of resources,can dear cargo circulation channel and make it
possible for the normal operation of the company,to win a better place inside the market.
Key Words:backlog, inventory control, demand forcastingV
目 录
1 绪论 ...1
1.1 研究背景与意义....... 1
1.1.1 研究背景......... 1
1.1.2 研究意义......... 1
1.2 国内外研究综述....... 3
1.2.1 基于需求预测要求的国内外库存管理理论研究 .. 3
1.2.2 基于管理方法改进的国内外库存管理理论研究 .. 3
1.2.3 基于不确定因素的国内外库存管理理论研究 ...... 4
1.3 研究方法和思路....... 5
1.3.1 研究方法......... 5
1.3.2 研究思路......... 5
1.4 论文框架 ....... 6
2 库存积压问题下的相关库存管理理论.....8
2.1 库存管理和库存积压........... 8
2.1.1 库存管理概述8
2.1.2 库存积压的形成 ........ 8
2.2 库存管理模型 ......... 10
2.2.1 传统库存管理模型 .. 10
2.2.2 现代库存管理模型 .. 10
2.3 ERP 在库存管理中的应用. 13
2.4 本章小结 ..... 13
3 L 企业概况及库存管理现状........ 14
3.1 L 企业概况 .. 14
3.1.1 企业组织架构 .......... 14
3.1.2 业务流程图... 17
3.2 企业内外部环境和状况..... 17VI
3.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司压力大...17
3.2.2 内外部供货商之间存在竞争..........18
3.2.3 外部供应上与同行存在需求冲突.
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