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Next Generation SON for 5G2<<3Objectives of the NG SONExecutive SummaryNext Generation SON for 5GExecutive SummaryIt has been almost a decade since the concept ofSelf-Organizing Networks (SON) was introduced bythe Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), andwas subsequently standardized by 3GPP along withthe Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. However,despite having gained much attention initially, SONhas not yet fully delivered on the expectation theoperators were having since its inception.Originally, the main expectation was that SON wouldautomate the Operation and Maintenance (O&M)of cellular networks to help operators improvenetwork effciency and performance. In practice,SON implementation has been primarily focusedon several use cases affecting the Radio AccessNetwork (RAN), and has not been a part of an end-to-end solution. Some SON functions, such asAutomatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) and Plug andPlay (PnP), have been deployed by the operators andbrought gains. However, the standardization efforton SON so far has been mainly focused on a limitedset of use cases and on defning the interfaces.Furthermore, the adoption of SON has been sloweddown because it was always seen as an optional/complementary solution to the existing RAN ratherthan its integral part.Our vision is that the Next Generation (NG) SONshould be considered as an integral part of futurewireless networks including 5G, not just an add-onfeature, and as such, needs to be carefully designedtogether with the other network features. The NGSON needs to be developed to maximize automationof all the aspects of the O&M tasks, with clearlydefned inputs and outputs. Moreover, the NG SONshould also enable Cloud RAN and 5G to ensuresustainable network development. Thanks to the everincreasing measurement and processing capabilities,the NG SON should allow not only high level (cell orcluster scale) scenario-based optimization, but alsoaccurate optimization on a fner scale, such as gridlevel (smaller than a cell scale) and user group level(service of capability level).Objectives of the NG SONThe main purpose of the NG SON should be to greatly improve the O&M effciency and help operatorskeep pace with the complexity of fast evolving wireless networks. Additionally, the NG SON shouldsignifcantly enhance network performance through self-organizing intelligence.2.1 Bridging the Gap betweenthe 3GPP and Daily OperationThe NGMN identifed SON as a key design principlefor LTE network back in 2007, and published atechnical specifcation paper in 2008. Followingthat, SON was introdu

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