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Tuna FisheriesAcknowledgements This report was authored by John Virdin, Director of Ocean Policy at Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, with support from Tibor Vegh, Alexandra Aines and David Bjorkback. Peter Cusack and Elizabeth Havice provided written contributions on post-harvest segments of the supply chains and the international market respectively. Bob Gillett, Quentin Hanich and Kieran Kelleher peer reviewed the draft, and Charlotte de Fontaubert and Miguel Jorge contributed extremely valuable additional comments and advice. Information and comments were gratefully received from Transform Aqorau and Sangaalofa Clark in the Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office, and Mike Batty and Wez Norris at Forum Fisheries Agency.Finally, Robert Utz supervised and guided the preparation of this report.Any errors in the document, factual or otherwise, are the sole responsibility of the author.Abbreviations and Acronyms AIS Automatic Identification System IMF International Monetary Fund EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone ENSO El Nino-Southern Oscillation EPO Eastern Pacific Ocean GDPGross Domestic Product EU European Union EUMOFAEuropean Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture F Fishing Mortality FAD Fish Aggregating Device FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FFA Forum Fisheries Agency FPO Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape FSM Federated States of Micronesia FSMA Federated States of Micronesia Arrangement GCM Global Climate Model GHG Greenhouse Gas GPS Global Positioning System IATTC Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission ICCAT International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas IFC International Finance Corporation IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission IW International Waters MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield PAE Party Allowable Effort PICPacific Island Country PIPA Phoenix Islands Protected Area PIROP Pacific Islands Regional Ocean Policy PNA Parties to the Nauru Agreement PNAO Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office PNG Papua New Guinea RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organization RMI Republic of Marshall Islands SB Spawning Biomass SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios SST Sea Surface Temperature TAE Total Allowable Effort USDA United States Department of Agriculture VDS Vessel Day Scheme VMS Vessel Monitoring System WCPFCWestern and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission WCPO Western and Central Pacific OceanContents Summary for Policy-Makers ..........7 I. Introduction and Objectives of the Report .....12 1.1 Introduction: The importance of tuna resources to economic growth in the Pacific Islands12 1.2 Objectives of the Report .......14 II. Methodology .....15 2.1 Defining the Units of Analysis within Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries .15 2.2 Measuring the Current and Future Economic Contribution from these Fisheries ....17 2.3 Developing a Plausible Scenario for Change to 2040 to this Economic Contribution .........19 III. Baseline24 3.1 Historical Development of Tuna Fisheries Value Chains in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean ....24 3.2 Measuring the Economic Benefits to Pacific Island Countries from the Purse Seine Tuna Fishery 26 3.3 Measuring the Economic Benefits to Pacific Island Countries from the Longline Tuna Fishery .....37 3.4 Summary of the Economic Contributions of WCPO Tuna Fisheries ...........44 3.5 Summary of the Status of the WCPO Tuna Resource Base ..45 3.6 Characterization of Current Status of the WCPO Tuna Asset ..........50 3.7 Summary of Key Trends in WCPO Tuna Fisheries Policy ...50 3.8 Summary of Key Trends in WCPO Tuna Fisheries Outcomes .........54 IV. Key Drivers of Future Changes in Western & Central Pacific Tuna Fisheries ....66 4.1 Evolution of Key Non-Policy or External Drivers of WCPO Tuna Fisheries’ Economic Contribution to Pacific Island Countries .66 4.2 Proposed Key Policy Decisions to Drive the Opportunity in 2040...91 V. The Opportunity Scenario in 2040...111 References120 List of Tables Page 1 Pacific Ocean under the Jurisdiction of World Bank member Countries.14 2 Break-Down of WCPO Purse Seine Tuna Catch by Water in 2013 and 2014(metric tons)……26 3 Catch levels and description of WCPO purse seine fleet segments……..29 4 Tuna Processing Plants in the Pacific Island Countries…33 5 Total global canned tuna consumption by region in 200834 6 Break-Down of WCPO Longline Tuna Catch by Water in 2013&2014(in metric tons)……..36 7 Distribution of 2013 WCPO tuna longline catch by fleet (in tons)……..38 8 Description of WCPO Tuna Longline Fleet Segments….40

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