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为适应社会发展的客观需求,C 银行黑龙江分行积极发展信用卡分期付
的开展。本人结合自身的工作经历,对 C 银行黑龙江分行信用卡分期业务的
发展现状进行深入的调查和研究。本文开篇介绍了 C 银行黑龙江分行信用卡
分期付款业务的发展现状,然后对 C 银行黑龙江分行在信用卡分期业务上的
现状与其他国有银行进行对比分析,汇总了 C 银行黑龙江省分行在内部资源
上的优势、劣势。在内部环境分析中,本文基于 C 银行黑龙江分行的内部资
源,对 C 银行黑龙江分行信用卡分期付款业务的优点和缺点进行分析。从外
部环境角度分析,本文通过 PEST 分析和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析,得出了 C 银行黑龙
在此基础上,通过 SWOT 分析选择一个最合适的业务发展方向。确定该行发
展方向后,本文有针对性地提出 C 银行黑龙江分行在分期付款业务的发展策
关键词:C 银行;信用卡分期付款;发展策略哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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Under the background of financial integration caused by global economic
integration, the competition of the banking industry has intensified. The original
profitability of banking has changed, and credit cards are playing an increasingly
important role in the economic society. The intermediate business income
brought by installment business of the credit card is growing rapidly, so it has
become the focus for the commercial banks to increase profits and attracts
customers. Therefor, studying the growing credit card installment payment
business and analyzing its existing problems and finding out their corresponding
solutions to the business of the bank has important practical role and far-reaching
In order to adapt to the objective demands of social development, C bank
HeiLongjiang branch actively develops the credit card installment payment
business,with the development of the original ordinary installment payment
business at the same time,C bank pays attention to special credit card installment
businessbining with my own work experience at C bank HeiLongjiang
branch , I investigate and analyze the development of this bank of credit card
installment business in detail.The paper begins with present situation of C bank
HeiLongjiang branch credit card installment payment business,compared with
other state-owned banks on the business. In the internal environment
analysis,this paper is based on the internal resources of C bank HeiLongjiang
branch and its credit card installment payment business, this paper analyzes C
bank HeiLongjiang branch credit card installment payment business’s advantages
and disadvantages. From the external environment analysis,this paper goes
through PEST analysis and industry analysis, and derives the opportunities and
threats which C bank HeiLongjiang branch credit card installment payment
business is facing.Based on the outcome of the internal and external environment
analysis , this paper makes SWOT analysis for the purpose of choosing a most
suitable business development direction. On the basis of these advantages,
disadvantages, opportunities and challenges, this paper puts forward the哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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development strategy goals for this bank as credit card installment payment
business of this bank. These goals corresponding to the development strategies
were formulated.
Keywords: C Bank, installment credit card business, development strategy哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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目 录
第 1 章 绪论....... 1
1.1 研究背景及问题.1
1.1.1 研究背景.......1
1.1.2 课题的提出...1
1.2 研究意义及目的.2
1.2.1 研究意义.......2
1.2.2 研究目的.......2
1.3 信用卡分期的国内外研究现状3
1.3.1 国外研究现状..........3
1.3.2 国内研究现状..........4
1.3.3 对国内外研究现状的评述.6
1.4 研究内容及方法.6
1.4.1 研究内容.......6
1.4.2 研究方法.......6
1.4.3 本文的逻辑结构......7
第 2 章 C 银行黑龙江省分行信用卡分期业务现状及存在的问题.........8
2.1 C 银行黑龙江省分行信用卡分期业务相关理论概述.........8
2.1.1 信用卡分期业务的基本概念.........8
2.1.2 C 银行信用卡分期业务的种类....8
2.1.3 信用卡分期业务的特征.....9
2.2 C 银行系统内信用卡分期业务的发展现状 11
2.2.1 C 银行系统内信用卡业务比较分析......11
2.2.2 C 银行系统内信用卡分期业务比较分析.........15
2.3 黑龙江省内银行同业信用卡分期业务比较分析...17
2.3.1 黑龙江省内银行同业信用卡业务比较分析.....17
2.3.2 黑龙江省内银行同业信用卡分期业务比较分析........17
2.4 C 银行黑龙江省分行信用卡分期业务存在的问题........... 18
2.4.1 客户结构有待进一步优化...........18哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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2.4.2 宣传手段存在的问题.......18
2.4.3 定价策略存在的问题.......19
2.4.4 费用收取方式存在的问题...........19
2.4.5 促销活动开展存在的问题...........19
2.5 问题成因分析... 20
2.5.1 信用卡审批标准陈旧.......20
2.5.2 人员工作能力无法满足欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司高速发展要求.....20
2.5.3 费用收取方式不灵活.......20
2.5.4 促销活动开展较少21
2.6 本章小结21
第 3 章 C 银行黑龙江省分行信用卡分期业务发展环境分析.22
3.1 信用卡分期付款业务发展的外部环境分析.........
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