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I 硕士学位论文
In recent years, the number of college graduates in China is increasing year after
year, conveying a large number of talents for the society, but in this process, also
produced some problems of employment pressure, especially since entering the new era,
with the higher education reform, the core competitiveness of cultivating practical talents
is also related to the universities the development of the. In this context, the m如agement
of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities has also been widely
recognized, and actively cany out entrepreneurship education management in Colleges
and universities, which plays an important role in cultivating entrepreneurial talents and
enhancing the core competitiveness of colleges and universities. Especially in our
country to encourage students to entrepreneiirship in the background, and actively carry
out entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities^ also accord with the actual
situation in our country, the cultivation of entrepreneurial talents for the society, to
encourage students to entrepreneurship and public entrepreneurship, on the one hand,
entrepreneurship play an important role. It should be noted that in recent years in China
to carry out entrepreneurship education management of colleges and universities, there
are still some serious problems, some universities do not better recognize the importance
and the core connotation of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship education in
Colleges and universities did not establish a perfect management system, which largely
affects the University Entrepreneurship the effect of education management.
In this paper, A colleges and universities as an exmiple, the study of
entrepreneurship education management. The introduction part mainly introduces the
research background and significance,the existing research progress and the main
research contents and research methods. The second part describes the concept and
theory of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and universities, and points out the
significance of promoting the development of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and
universities. The third part takes A University as an example, according to the
questionnaire research, pointed out that the progress made in the current A university
entrepreneurship education management, including entrepreneurship education
management departments actively play a coordinating role,entrepreneurship education
curriculum, school enterprise cooperation in an orderly way of entrepreneurship
education, entrepreneurship education activities and actively carry out etc.. At the same
time, pointed out the existence of A entrepreneurship education management problems,
mainly lies in the entrepreneurship education management positioning is not clear, the
II 硕士学位论文
lack of entrepreneurship education management good environment, students’
entrepreneurship awareness is not strong, the management methods of entrepreneurship
education is single, lack of qualified professional entrepreneurship education faculty
management etc.On this basis,this paper analyzes the causes of the problems in the
management of A university entrepreneurship education, mainly due to the lack of
support for college students1 entrepreneurial policies, the poor social entrepreneurship
environment, imperfect service system and so on. The fourth part discusses how to
strengthen the management of entrepreneurship education in A colleges and universities.
Mainly from the clear positioning of entrepreneurship education in Colleges and
universities management goal,to create a good internal environment of entrepreneurship
education management, strengthen the cultivation of students&39; awareness of
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education enrich the management method,
establishing entrepreneurship education faculty management of high level, six other
support initiatives such as the macro level and some specific operational level put
forward countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen A entrepreneurship education
management. Has certain practical significance. In the fifth part, the conclusion of this
study is summarized, and the future research is prospected.
Key words: College A, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Education
Management, Countermeasures
III 硕士学位论文
要 i
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u研宄背景及意义u.i研究背景1.1.2研究意义…1.2国内外研宄现状述评1.2.1国外研究现状1.2.2国内研宂现状1.2.3简要的评价1.3研宄内容和方法1.3.1研究内容1.3.2研宄方法1.4创新与不足之处2高校创业教育管理相关理论概述2.1高校创业教育管理的概念界定2.2高校创业教育管理的核心内涵2.3我国高校创业教育管理的发展历程2.4高校创业教育管理的重要意义2.4.1有利于加强高校的就业指导工作2.4.2有利于推动高校素质教育的发展2.4.3有利于适应社会发展需求和职业教育改革趋势3 A髙校创业教育管理现状分析3.1 A问卷调查分析3.1.1问卷设计3.1.2调查过程3.1.3调查结果分析3.2 A高校创业教育管理推行进展3.2.1创业教育管理部门协调作用积极发挥
16 硕士学位论文
3.2.2创业教育课程全面实施3.2.3创业教育校企合作有序推进3.2.4创业教育活动积极开展3.3 A高校创业教育管理存在的问题3.3.1创业教育管理定位不清晰3.3.2缺乏良好的创业教育管理环境3.3.3学生创业意识不强3.3.4创业教育管理方法较为单一
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