回归人本共筑健康 BEING PEOPLE-ORIENTED TOGETHER FOR WELLBEING 远洋集团2016年度可持续发展报告 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2016 OF SINO-OCEAN GROUP 关于本报告 ABOUT THIS REPORT 回归人本共筑健康 BEING PEOPLE-ORIENTEDTOGETHER FOR WELLBEING 远洋集团2016年可持续发展报告 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2016 OF SINO-OCEAN GROUP 报告简介编制依据 数据来源 称谓说明 报告获取 时间范围 发佈周期 报告范围 OverviewBasis of Preparation Data Sources Description of Appellations How to Get the Report Time Frame Release Cycle Scope of Report 2010年以来,远洋每走过一个绚丽的年头,都会伴 随着一本社会责任报告的诞生。从满腔热情摸索前 进到一路收获渐成体系,连续6本社会责任报告的 发佈系统地反映了远洋的可持续发展状況和认真履 行企业公民责任的努力
2016年,伴随着远洋集团焕然新生的品牌形象和定 位,我们在一如既往坚持追求经济、社会与环境效 益平衡的基础上,将《环境社会与管治》指标的精 髓融入健康运营管理的过程中,由此也焕发出企业 社会责任更为广博和深刻的内涵。於是,我们将《社 会责任报告》升级为《可持续发展报告》,用充满 热情与真心的诚意感激过去的每一步脚印,用更有 方法和能力的努力回归人与社会原本的需求,用不 断探索和变革的自信期待更溫馨和广阔的发展与改 变
本报告根据香港联交所《环境、社会与管制报告指 引(HK-ESG)》、全球报告倡议组织(GRI)《可 持续发展报告指南(G4)》和中国社科院《中国企 业社会责任报告指南(CASS-CSR3.0)》等标凖要 求编写
除特殊说明,本报告所引用的财务数据来源於经过 审计的《远洋集团控股有限公司年报》,其它数据 来源於远洋集团内部正式文件及相关统计
为便於表述,报告中的“远洋集团”、“远洋”、“集团”、 “我们”、“公司”均指代“远洋集团控股有限公司”; “远洋之帆公益基金会”、“远洋之帆”、“基金会” 均指代“北京远洋之帆公益基金会”
您可以在远洋集团控股有限公司官方网站上下载本报 告的电子文稿
网址为:sinooceangroup 若需获取纸质版报告,或对本报告有任何意见或者建 议,您可按以下方式联繫我们
联繫地址:北京市朝阳区东四环中路56号远洋国际中 心A座31层 电话:86-10-59293377 传真:86-10-59299877 电子信箱:aixin@sinooceangroup 香港联繫地址:香港金钟道88号太古广场一座601室 投资者關係电子信箱:ir@sinooceangroup 报告时间跨度为2016年1月1日至12月31日,部 分内容追溯至以往年份
本报告为年度报告,是远洋集团连续发佈的第7份 报告,上期报告已於2016年6月发佈
本报告以远洋集团控股有限公司为主体,涵盖公司 所属事业部、项目、附属公司
In each and every brilliant year since 2010, Sino-Ocean has publicly reported its corporate social responsibility performance. From the passionate exploration onset, it has gradually developed its own social responsibility system with outstanding results achieved along the way. Sino-Ocean&39;s six social responsibility reports have systematically refected how the Group carried out sustainable development and earnestly fulflled its responsibilities as a corporate citizen. Sino-Ocean remains committed to striking a balance between economic, social, and environmental benefits. With a new brand image and new positioning, Sino-Ocean incorporated the essence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into its healthy operations in 2016, demonstrating the increased breadth and depth of its corporate social responsibility. Given all these, we have upgraded our Corporate Social Responsibility Report to Sustainable Development Report to passionately and truly appreciate every step we have taken and show our stronger capability of working hard to satisfy original needs of people and society in better ways , as well as hope for a better world by continuous confdence in exploration and reform. Come on and join us. Let&39;s realize our value always with people in mind. This report is prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (HK- ESG) published by Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 3.0) by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Unless otherwise specifed, fnancial data cited in this report come from the audited Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited Annual Report. Other data are derived from Sino-Ocean&39;s internal ofcial documents and related statistics. For easier expression, Sino-Ocean Group, Sino-Ocean, Group, we, and Company all refer to Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited in the report and Sino-Ocean Charity Foundation, Sino-Ocean Charity, and Foundation all refer to Beijing Sino-Ocean Charity Foundation. You may download electronic version of the report from the ofcial website of Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited ( sinooceangroup). If you want a hardcopy report or have any comments or suggestions, please contact us via the following means:
Address:31 Floor, Tower A, Ocean International Center,56 Dongsihuanzhonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel.:86-10-59293377 Fax:86-10-59299877 Email: aixin@sinooceangroup Hong Kong address: Suite 601, One Pacific Place, 88Queensway, Hong Kong Investor relations email: ir@sinooceangroup The report spans from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 and also integrates some content from previous years. This is the seventh yearly report published by Sino-Ocean. This report is published on an annual basis and the previous one was published in June 2016. This report focuses on operations of Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited and also covers those of its business units, project units, and subsidiaries. ⅠⅡ 目录 CONTENTS 回归人本共筑健康 BEING PEOPLE-ORIENTEDTOGETHER FOR WELLBEING 远洋集团2016年可持续发展报告 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2016 OF SINO-OCEAN GROUP 目錄 附录1重点数据 附录2指标索引 附录3评级报告 附录4意见反馈 共筑健康营建蓬勃愉悦的氛围 共筑健康守护熠熠闪耀的星辰 共筑健康影响相依相存的世界 共筑健康倾听四面八方的声音 远洋的2016 行政总裁致辞 关於远洋 Appendix 1 Key Data Appendix 2 Indicator Index Appendix 3 Rating Report Appendix 4 Feedback Together for Wellbeing - Advocate an Active Lifestyle Together for Wellbeing - Contribute to Bright Stars Together for Wellbeing - Make It a Better World Together for Wellbeing - Listen to Diferent Voices Sino-Ocean in 2016 Message From Chief Executive Ofcer About Us 99-104 105-120 121-122 123-124 33-56 57-6 869-84 85-96 1-2 3-6 7-32 CONTENTS ⅢⅣ 远洋的2016 Sino-Ocean in 2016远洋集团2016年可持续发展报告 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2016 OF SINO-OCEAN GROUP 回归人本共筑健康 BEING PEOPLE-ORIENTEDTOGETHER FOR WELLBEING远洋的2016 Sino-Ocean in 2016 协议销售(人民币百万元) 营业额(人民币百万元) 纳税额(人民币百万元) 土地储备(平方米) 覆盖城市(个)/交付可售面积(平方米) 2016年新增綠建项目面积(平方米) 客户满意度(%) 服务住户数(户) 供应商总数(家) 员工总数(不含保安保洁等物业人员) 基金会及带动社会捐赠额(人民币百万元) 志愿者人数 志愿者服务时间(小时) Contracted sales (RMB million) Revenue (RMB million) Taxation (RMB million) Landbank (sq. m.) Cities covered (cities)/ Saleable GFA delivered (sq.m.) 2016 green building project area added (sq.m.) Customer satisfaction (%) Number of households served (units) Total number of suppliers (units) Total number of employees Foundation and social donation amount (RMB million) Number of volunteers Number of hours of voluntary services (hours) (excluding security and cleaning and other property management staf) 50,380 34,551 4,062 21,699,000 19/2,325,000 1,847,401 66 144,100 8,000+ 7,563 66.01 1,209 32,168