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With the development of economy, the delivery service market is getting bigger and bigger,
which causes more competition. To carry out the one- body- two –wings- strategy of China
Post Group, Ganzhou Post, as it’s branch, a wholly state-owned enterprise in Ganzhou,
should optimize it’s business structure by novelty development and get competency by
developing delivery industry. Some new problem must be solved in this course by breaking
China Post’s traditional business structure, renewing ideas of development and building new
business model. This study aims to discover the problems of development of Ganzhou Post
delivery service and analyze its basic cause, and then give tactics to solve the problems. The
final purpose is to help Ganzhou Post to realize great-leap-forward development, and thus
give enlightment in China Post Group for developing delivery-service-side business (GiDiYi
business) in China.
By empirical methods , this study on Ganzhou postal delivery service and it’s development
history, current situation , the existing problems and tactics, has three parts. The first part
analyzes the previous research and summary research experience, to expand research
direction. The second part analyzes problems in Ganzhou postal delivery business on basis
of research on the development background .The third part gives tactics aiming to solve
problems in reality.
This paper has following conclusions:Firstly, the development of Ganzhou postal delivery
service meets the market’s needs, which can change the traditional postal structure, being
meaningful for postal supply-side reform. The success of Ganzhou Post will be an example
and benchmark for the whole country. Secondly, Ganzhou postal delivery service
experienced from Question Marks to Star by BCG matrix analysis, which means a success.
Ganzhou Post Branch should keep it on and promote it’s strategic position.Thirdly, there are
much problem in Ganzhou postal delivery service such as capacity building, operating
quality, customer experience, settlement and deficit, as a result of difficulty in building
common sense, low investment in this field to promote capacity, quality and so on.Fourthly,
the ways to solve problems includes: to promote it’s strategic position, to strengthen it’s
capacity and system building, to grasp special delivery business, to optimize those resources
which can help to better Post& EMS, and to expand E-business markets in the countryside.
Key Words:Delivery service;BCG matrix;TacticIII
摘要 ....... I
.... III
1 绪论 ...... 1
1.1 研究背景 ..... 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 ........... 2
1.2.1 研究目的 ........... 2
1.2.2 研究意义 ........... 2
1.3 研究内容与创新之处 ....... 3
1.3.1 研究内容 ........... 3
1.3.2 论文框架 ........... 3
1.3.3 研究方法 ........... 3
1.3.4 创新之处 ........... 3
1.4 国内外研究现状 ........... 4
1.4.1 国外研究现状 ....... 4
1.4.2 国内研究现状 ....... 5
2 赣州邮政寄递业务发展背景分析 ...... 7
2.1 赣州市概况 ... 7
2.2 赣州邮政发展历程 ......... 8
2.2.1 邮电合一 ........... 8
2.2.2 邮电分营 ........... 8
2.2.3 邮政独立运营 ....... 9
2.3 赣州邮政发展现状 ......... 9
2.3.1 发展概况 ........... 9
2.3.2 主要业务 .......... 10
2.3.3 寄递业务的由来 .... 12
3 赣州邮政寄递业务发展现状与问题分析 ........... 14
3.1 赣州邮政寄递业务发展现状14
3.2 波士顿矩阵分析:从“问题”到 “明星” ........... 15
3.2.1 近五年寄递业务收入占邮政总收入比重 ........ 15
3.2.2 市场占有率 ........ 16IV
3.2.3 波士顿矩阵分析 .... 17
3.2.4 赣州邮政寄递业务:从问题到明星的曲折之路 .. 18
3.3 赣州邮政寄递业务发展存在的主要问题 .. 19
3.3.1 结算体系不到位 ..... 19
3.3.2 能力建设有差距 ..... 19
3.3.3 信息系统不匹配 ..... 19
3.3.4 运行质量不稳定 ..... 20
3.3.5 客户体验难提升 ..... 20
3.3.6 专业核算仍亏损 ..... 20
3.4 赣州邮政寄递业务发展问题成因分析 .... 21
3.4.1 认识尚未高度统一 ... 21
3.4.2 业务发展见效偏慢 ... 21
3.4.3 能力投入起步较晚 ... 22
4 赣州邮政寄递业务发展策略 ......... 24
4.1 强化寄递业务战略地位 .... 24
4.2 加大寄递网络建设投入 .... 26
4.2.1 确保能力建设投入 .. 26
4.2.2 加快场地设备改造 .. 27
4.2.3 全力抓紧网络建设 .. 27
4.3 加强网络运行质量管控 .... 28
4.3.1 加强运行质量监控 .. 29
4.3.2 建立人性化的售后服务体系 ...... 30
4.3.3 建立主动/协同客服的管控体系 ... 30
4.4 做大寄递业务量收规模 .... 31
4.4.1 提升营销揽收能力 .. 31
4.4.2 拓展重点特色市场 .. 32
4.4.3 采取灵活定价机制 .. 34
4.5 优化邮速企业内部资源 .... 34
4.5.1 邮速错位经营 .........
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