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关键词:风险;内部欺诈;管控体系; 优化
Commercial bank is an important part of China&39;s financial system, playing a significant
role in China&39;s reform and opening-up. Moreover, the safety and stability of commercial
banks are directly related to the stability of our social order. However, with the stream of
financial innovation, commercial banks are subject to great risks while making huge profits.
Internal fraud risk is one of the most dangerous risks. In recent years, internal fraud risk event,
coupled with the huge amount and wide range, has not only caused huge economic losses and
serious reputation of the bank, but also endangered the stability of the national economic
order and financial security. This has attracted the attention of the banking. How to control
the internal fraud risk?Therefore, it is very urgent to pay attention to the internal fraud risk’s
management and research, and build a scientific and effective internal fraud risk management
In this paper, Take A bank for example, the author discusses and analyzes the existing
management and management system defects through the A bank internal fraud cases. Then,
the author puts forward optimization plan of the internal fraud risk control system and
guarantee measures. Therefore, the research results of this paper not only help to improve the
level of internal fraud management, but also provide a reference for the other commercial
This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction, in which the author
briefly and discussed the background, main contents, purpose, basic framework. The second
part is the basic theory and literature review at domestic and abroad. This paper summarizes
the theories of modern corporate governance theory, internal control theory, information
asymmetry theory, mechanism design theory, self - interest behavior theory and the research
status of domestic and international internal fraud risk. The third part, the author analyzes the
causes of the A bank internal fraud risk and management deficiencies. This chapter first
studies the types of internal fraud in the A bank, and then analyzes the causes of its events
and the defects of the existing management system of the A banks. The fourth part is about
how to put forward the optimization plan of the internal fraud risk control system. The fifth
part is the guarantee measures of the internal fraud risk management system. Consist of
organization support, system support, technical support and personnel training support to
discuss. The sixth part is the conclusion of the research.
Key Words:risk; internal fraud; management system; optimization
第1章 绪论 . 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 ...... 1
1.1.1 研究的背景 ... 1
1.1.2 研究的意义 ... 2
1. 2 研究思路和研究框架 ......... 2
1.2.1 研究思路及内容 ....... 2
1.2.2 研究框架 ....... 2
1.3 研究方法和创新点 .. 3
1.3.1 研究方法 ....... 3
1.3.2 本文创新点 ... 3
第2章 基础理论及文献综述 ........... 5
2.1 基础理论 ...... 5
2.1.1 现代公司治理理论 ... 5
2.1.2 内部控制理论 ........... 5
2.1.3 机制设计理论 ........... 6
2.1.4 信息不对称理论 ....... 7
2.1.5 自利行为理论 ........... 7
2.2 文献综述 ...... 7
2.2.1 国外文献综述 ........... 7
2.2.2 国内文献综述 ........... 8
第3章 A银行内部欺诈风险管控现状及缺陷分析 ...... 10
3.1 A银行内部欺诈风险管控体系现状--分层制约管控体系及管理架构 .. 10
3.1.1 A银行内部欺诈风险分层制约管控体系 . 10
3.1.2 A银行内部欺诈风险管理架构 ..... 11
3.2 A银行内部欺诈风险案例及特征12
3.2.1 典型内部欺诈风险案例 ..... 12
3.2.2 A银行内部欺诈风险特征 . 14
3.3 A银行现有内部欺诈风险管控体系缺陷分析 .... 15
3.3.1 文化缺失,架构不健全 ..... 15
3.3.2 内控失效,管控体系割裂 . 17
3.3.3 机制落后,管控方法单一 . 17
3.3.4 高管失范,员工管控不当 . 18
第4章 A银行内部欺诈风险管控体系再设计 ......... 20
4.1 内部欺诈风险管控体系的优化构建原则20
4.2 培育适宜的风险管理文化20
4.2.1 构建正确的内部欺诈风险管理理念 ......... 20
4.2.2 重建内部欺诈风险管理组织架构 . 21
4.3 构建多层次、多角度的内部欺诈风险管控机制22
4.3.1 以风险管理为导向的内部控制机制的再设计 ..... 22
4.3.2 内部欺诈风险预警机制的建立 ..... 25
4.3.3 完善内部审计风险管理机制 ......... 27
4.3.4 建立内部欺诈风险的缓释和转嫁机制 ..... 31
4.4 强化人力资源管理32
4.4.1 培育专业队伍,夯实风险管理人力资源基础 ..... 32
4.4.2 加大高管激励力度 . 32
4.4.3 建立考核和责任追究机制 . 33
4.5 建立以大数据为支撑的内部欺诈风险损失数据库 .......... 33
第5章 A银行内部欺诈风险管控体系保障措施 ....... 35
5.1 组织保障 .... 35
5.1.1 内部欺诈管理部门的设置 . 35
5.1.2 内部欺诈风险管控部门的独立性 . 35
5.1.3 建立跨部门的决策协调机构 ......... 35
5.2 制度保障 .... 36
5.2.1 采用流程银行的思想促进业务流程优化 . 36
5.2.2 全面有效的信息披露制度 . 37
5.2.3 严格落实内部欺诈风险管理责任制 ......... 38
5.3 技术支撑 .... 38
5.3.1 加强内部欺诈风险实时监控管理 . 38
5.3.2 创新案防科技手段 . 38
5.4 人员培训与保障 .... 39
5.4.1 建立高效的内部培训体系 . 39
5.4.2 采用适当的培训模式和方法 ......... 39
5.4.3 建立并落实培训的考核评价机制 . 40
结论 ........ 41
参考文献 .... 42
致谢 ........ 44
首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究的背景
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