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With the coming of knowledge economy, human capital has become the core
capital of social development. All business activities centre on creating value.
Nevertheless, the real source of value is human resources. All-out resource mobilization,
evaluate value correctly, rational distribution of value, constitute the backbone of human
resources management. The ultimate goal of performance management is to excavate
the great potential value of human resources, evaluate the employee’s value contribution,
according to the ultimate goal and the stage goal of the enterprise. Power generation
enterprises shows the mechanism for the survival of the fittest, after the reformation of
electric power system. Because of the price of coal and costs of power have risen across
the country, small thermoelectric enterprises have so many difficults, both within and
outside the enterprise. Only take full advantage of enterprises, explore energy-saving
and cost-reducing can let small thermoelectric enterprises get out of the trouble.
This text conducts in depth research and analysis on performance management
using induction synthesize, analysis methords, combining the domestic and overseas
conclusions and the strategic target of Chi Feng Xincheng Thermoelectric Company,
First distinguish the performance management and performance assessment, straighten
out the system of performance management , esteblish the theoretical basis of this text.
Second, the survey shows that the company has some problems in performance
assessment, mainly manifest as lacking of systematic knowledge about performance
management. So this text combining strategic planting of the company, according to the
organization structure ,treat the analysis of the management as the entry point, lock the
key Performance Indicators as the management system, design a system which adapt to
the actual and practical work of the enterprise management, achiere the ultimate goal
that the maximization of value and corporate goals, there by which can promote the
realization of company strategic target.
So far many companies have realize that performance management is the
absolutely necessary management tod of human resource, but many of them lack of

experience ,so it is very representative of the stucly about performance management. I
hope this text will help Chi Feng Xincheng Thermoelectric Company to solve some
practical problems, also hope this text will help other companies can improve the
management of human resource.

Keywords: Thermoelectric Enterprise, Performance Management, Key Indicator,
Performance Assessment

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