I, Zhang Yingzhi , hereby submit my MBA dissertation for oral defense, entitled
Research on the Immaterial Incentives for 80s knowledge employees in the Prospective of
Expectancy Theory-Take Company A for Case Study and truthfully declare that the above-titled
case analysis is a product of my original research investigation.
I further declare that, should the school eventually discover that a substantial portion of my
dissertation is lifted, into to, from original sources, using exactly the words of the author in more
than 20% of the whole content, I reserve the right to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies to
recall my MBA Diploma and cancel the degree granted to me.
Signed this day of May 26, 2017 at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou,
MBA Candidate
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during writing of this
thesis. My deepest gratitude goes primarily to Professor Zhang Wubao, my supervisor
and mentor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has offered me valuable
suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of the thesis, he has spent
much time reading each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without his
consistent and valuable instruction, the completion of this thesis would not have been
I owe my sincere gratitude and thanks to my husband who patiently gave me a lot of
supports and stood by me throughout the completion of my MBA study.
I owe my sincere gratitude to all my classmates in graduate school for their
continuous support and encouragement to me.
In the process of managing and motivating knowledge employees of post-80s
generation, the author has found a question worth pondering: usually the first two
times the company increases the wages that meet the staffs’ expectations, they will
work extremely hard. However, the effect will be greatly reduced over time if the
company keeps using the same method to motivate the same staffs. The author wants
to do a research to know whether the immaterial incentive will play a role in
motivating employees. Based on the review of the main incentive theory such as
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Two-Factor Theory and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
and immaterial incentive methods, the author takes Company A as the case and does a
questionnaire survey on degree of satisfaction in current incentives of knowledge
employees of post-80s generation in Company A and the employees’ needs.
According to the case analysis, the author has found that the main problems in
Company A’s human resources management system are that the managers only rely on
material incentives to motivate employees and there is a lack of immaterial incentives.
The staffs’ needs are not met, which leads to the result that the enthusiasm of the staffs
is not high. Based on the case of company A and the Expectancy Theory, the author
analyzes the status quo and causes of immaterial incentives for knowledge employees
of post-80s generation and points out that a company can not only rely on material
incentives to motivate the knowledge employees. When employees have immaterial
needs, managers need to provide them with immaterial incentives according to their
immaterial needs. This research topic has a certain practical inspiration for the
motivation to knowledge employees of post-80s generation. However, due to the
relatively small number of samples, the survey result of knowledge employees of
post-80s generation of A company cannot represent all the knowledge employees of
post-80s generation. This thesis is hoped to have guidance significance to the
management of the knowledge employees of post-80s generation of Company A. In
addition, combined with the theory of expectations, the author has summed up a lot of
recommendations on incentive to the knowledge employees of post-80s generation