Identify Needs
确认需求 Identify needs 确认需求 Design the programme 设计课程 Set objectives 设立目标 Select methods of measurement 选定评估方法 Measure the change in performance 评估行为 / 表现上的改变 Run the programme 执行课程 The Training Cycle
训练循环图 Combine Three Approaches
三种方法的结合 Top Down 由上而下 Bottom Up 由下而上 Introspection 由内而外 Top Down
由上而下 Ask HOC for input when the annual plan is being put together September/October 拟年度计划时(九月/十月),向HOC徵询意见. Ask discipline and department heads 询问部门主管及各分公司总经理 Pay particular attention to non advertising disciplines whose needs can pass un-noticed amid the clamour of our core advertising business 特别注意非广告的公司需求,因为很容易被忽略 Don’t forget Mindshare/The network 不要忘了Mindshare Top Down (Cont’d)
由上而下 (续) Use open questions 选用开放式问题 Make sure that specialist training needs and teachers are identified 确认特定的训练需求及讲师. Examples of Questions
问题举例 Why do you think our training was so (in)effective last year 你认为为什麽我们去年的训练是这麽(没)有效率 It would help me if you could tell me what the Board are saying about training 如果你能告诉我董事会对训练的看法可能会有些帮助. How do you see the role of training in helping us achieve next year’s plan Where are the areas of stretch where training can help 训练在达成明年的计划中扮演著什麽样的角色呢 训练可以帮助延伸什麽目标 Examples of Questions (Cont’d)
问题举例 (续) How do you feel the changes in the economy and our business need to be reflected in what we do in training 你认为那些经济上或我们生意上的改变,是可以反应在训练上的呢 Thinking ahead to next year, what do you think are the new training needs we need to address 展望明年,你认为训练有那些新的需求呢 Bottom-up
由下而上 Include questions in staff surveys 在员工调查中列入问题 eg Annual survey (NZ) Chili Audit (KL) Ask staff to tell you what they want - via notice board, staff magazine or suggestions box 藉由公布栏,员工杂志或意见箱,让他们告诉你他们想要什麽 Bottom-up (Cont’d)
由下而上 (续) Pick up from the appraisal system (most formats have a section where people are asked what training they would like) and consolidate. Be sensitive to confidentiality 由评估表中选取(大部份的表格中都会问他们喜欢什麽样的训练)对机密保持敏感度) Go back over the reviews of last year’s sessions to look for gaps and unfulfilled needs 回头检视去年的训练评估表,并找出训练及实际需求间的落差. 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看