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图 7 幅;表 13 个;参 50 篇
关键词:全国股转系统;B-S 模型;价值评估指标体系;灰色综合评价模型
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The NEEQ is specifically for private high technology enterprise. It is a trading
platform for the transfer of shares and private financing, and it is a part of the multi-layer
capital market system in China. With the increasing number of Listed Companies, the
role of the stock transfer system has become increasingly active. Trading and Investment
activities are increasing. To listed company, the value evaluation is not only one of the
necessary procedures to carry out a number of economic activities, but also the value
management for the role of the listed company gradually revealed. However, many listed
company are small and medium enterprises, which has a great difference with traditional
companies To explore the application of the system of listed company value assessment
method for listed company and investors are of great significance.
There are the literature review and theoretical research after consulting a lot of
documents, and then combined the characteristics of the share transfer system of listed
companies, advantages, disadvantages and applicability of the analysis of the existing
evaluation methods, and point out that the traditional valuation methods can only provide
a valuation, which provide a reference for investment analysis and merger and acquisition
pricing, but cannot effectively meet the listed company value management. Therefore,
proposed construction of value evaluation index system for NEEQ, which includes both
financial indicators and non-financial indicators. Get the scores level in the industry by
the multi hierarchical grey evaluation method, so as to provide reference for the value
management. So advocate using different methods according to the different purpose of
value evaluation. That is for investment and merger and acquisition pricing and other
economic activities using the traditional valuation methods, for value management using
value evaluation index system and method. Finally, the method is applied to the specific
case, and the method is verified, which provides reference for practice.
Figure 7; Table 13; Reference 50
Keywords: the NEEQ, Value evaluation, Value evaluation index system, Multi level
grey comprehensive evaluation model
Chinese books catalog: F230目 次
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目 次
引 言...........1
第 1 章 绪论.....2
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 . 2
1.1.1 研究背景 ........... 2
1.1.2 研究意义 ........... 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 ......... 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ... 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ... 4
1.2.3 研究现状评述 ... 5
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 . 5
1.3.1 研究内容 ........... 5
1.3.2 研究方法 ........... 6
1.3.3 研究目标 ........... 6
1.4 文章创新点 ..... 6
1.5 本章小结 ......... 6
第 2 章 股转系统挂牌公司及其价值评估相关理论.8
2.1 股转系统挂牌公司定义和特点 ......... 8
2.1.1 股转系统挂牌公司定义 ........... 8
2.1.2 股转系统挂牌公司特点 ........... 8
2.2 企业价值评估含义与作用 ... 10
2.3 价值评估相关理论 ... 10
2.3.1 价值链理论概述 ......... 10
2.3.2 平衡计分卡理论概述 . 11
2.3.3 灰色系统理论概述 ..... 12
2.4 本章小结 ....... 13
第 3 章 现有价值评估方法及评价...14
3.1 传统价值评估方法及评析 ... 14
3.1.1 成本法及评价 . 14华北理工大学硕士学位论文
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3.1.2 收益法及评价. 14
3.1.3 市场法及评价. 15
3.1.4 实物期权法及其适用性分析. 18
3.2 传统价值评估方法评析....... 19
3.3 价值评估指标体系.... 19
3.4 本章小结........ 20
第 4 章 构建股转系统企业价值评估指标体系....... 21
4.1 股转系统企业价值评估指标体系的构建思路....... 21
4.2 财务指标的选取....... 21
4.3 非财务指标的选取... 23
4.3.1 现有的价值评估体系非财务因素分析......... 23
4.3.2 影响价值估的非财务因素的选取..... 24
4.4 股转系统价值评估指标体系........... 27
4.5 层次分析法确定指标权重... 28
4.6 灰色综合评价法进行价值评估....... 28
4.7 本章小结....... 32
第 5 章 案例分析—以优炫软件为例........... 33
5.1 案例选择....... 33
5.2 案例简介....... 33
5.3 B-S 模型估值. 34
5.3.1 数据来源......... 34
5.3.2 参数估计......... 34
5.3.3 计算过程......... 35
5.4 股转系统价值评估指标体系进行估值....... 36
5.4.1 层次分析法确定指标权重..... 36
5.4.2 灰色综合评价法进行综合估值......... 40
5.5 评分结果分析与总结........... 43
5.5.1 B-S 模型结果分析....... 43
5.5.2 股转系统价值评估指标体系结果分析......... 44目 次
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5.5.3 总结 ..... 45
5.6 本章小结 ....... 45
结 论.46
附录 A 价值评估指标体系中定量指标计算结果...50
附录 B 股转系统挂牌公司价值评估指标体系调查问卷 ...51
附录 C 优炫软件价值评估调查问卷 ...........56
致 谢.58
学位论文数据集.........61引 言
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引 言
立。自成立以来,全国股转系统的规模和交易数量不断壮大,2015 年 6 月,全国
股份转让系统挂牌公司数量突破 2000 家,截止 2016 年 3 月,挂牌公司数量已达
5878 家。全国股转系统已经成为我国最大的基础性交易市场。全国股转系统的设
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