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K 项目实践六西格玛理论做好了充足准备
最后,本文通过 K 项目验证了六西格玛理论在设计项目应用的可行性。根
据上文给出的六西格玛理论推行模式和实施方案,在六西格玛 DMAIC 改进模型的
指导下,K 项目提出了项目质量整改目标,界定了整改方向,提出了整改方案,
关键词:设计项目管理;六西格玛理论;DMAIC 改进模型ABSTRACT
Offshore Oil Engineering Company (the paper referred to as Design Company)
is the backbone enterprises on Offshore Oil Platform designed in the China National
Offshore Oil system. In engineering design industry, Design Company, undertaking
the most design projects, is the highest level of project management business. This
thesis makes the Design Company as background, study the application of Six Sigma
in design project of company.
Under the new environment of developing international market for China
offshore oil industry, quality is the heart of the competition. The total quality
management is the main method of quality management, but the method has not met
the requirement of design project in the international market. In order to break
through the quality bottleneck, improve the quality of projects, so this thesis will
introduce the Six Sigma theory.
Firstly, through reading lots of documents about the situation of theory and
application of Six Sigma in the domestic and foreign, we get the Conditions and
precautions about how to apply the six sigma theory in Chinese engineering design
project. At the same time, the thesis analyzes the design company operation
status, project operation status and the key quality factors, and Summed up the
key problems of affecting the quality of the design project.
Secondly, basing on the analysis results, this thesis focuses on the analysis of the
feasibility of Six Sigma Theory in offshore engineering design project. It analyses the
application conditions of the Six Sigma Theory, compares the characteristics of
design project and the characteristics of enterprise of successful application of Six
Sigma Theory, then basing on the basic conditions of Six Sigma Theory, it detail
analyses the adaptability of Six Sigma Theory in the design project; It also analyses
the other problems such as organization, talent demand, and company culture. It
also analysis the applicability of six sigma tools in the design project and it studied
the implementation model of Six Sigma Theory in the design project. At last, getting
the Implementation of the program about how to applying the Six Sigma Theory in
the design project, which makes a good preparation for the practice of Six Sigma
Theory in K project.Finally, the thesis proves the feasibility of Six Sigma Theory in project design
through the application of the k-project. Basing on the new Six Sigma implementation
model and implementation plan, under the guidance of DMAIC model, the
k-project proposes project quality rectification goals, define the direction of
rectification, the reformation scheme was proposed, finally complete the objectives
goals of the project quality, through the Analysis and discussion on the rectification
results, and the thesis gets the valuable experience in project design application of Six
Sigma theory.
Key words:Engineering project management; Six Sigma Theory; DMAIC
improvement moduleI
目 录
目 录....I
第一章 绪论......1
1.1 研究背景 ...1
1.2 问题的提出 ...........2
1.2.1 经营环境变化引起的问题.2
1.2.2 现有质量管理方法的不足.4
1.3 研究意义 ...5
1.4 研究方法和技术路线 .......7
1.4.1 研究方法.....7
1.4.2 技术路线.....7
第二章 六西格玛理论综述和国内外研究应用现状..9
2.1 六西格玛概述 .......9
2.2 六西格玛理论的 DMAIC 模型概述 ........9
2.3 本文六西格玛理论分析工具概述 .........10
2.4 六西格玛理论国外研究和应用现状 .....10
2.4.1 六西格玛理论国外研究现状.......11
2.4.2 六西格玛理论国外应用现状.......13
2.5 六西格玛理论国内研究和应用现状 .....15
2.5.1 六西格玛理论国内研究现状.......15
2.5.2 六西格玛理论国内应用现状.......17
2.6 六西格玛理论研究应用现状对本文的启示 .....19
2.7 本章小结 .21
第三章 中国海油工程设计项目存在的质量问题....23
3.1 中国海油工程设计项目运行现状 .........23
3.2 体现海油工程设计项目质量高低的主要内容 .24
3.3 海油工程设计项目关键质量问题的分析 .........25
3.3.1 图纸升版率问题...25 II
3.3.2 修改通知单问题...26
3.3.3 图纸设计、校对、审核规范化问题.......26
3.3.4 设计图纸细化程度...........28
3.3.5 计划修改率问题...28
3.4 本章小结 .29
第四章 六西格玛理论在设计项目中的可行性研究30
4.1 六西格玛理论应用的基本条件 .30
4.2 对六西格玛理论基本应用条件的适应性分析 .31
4.2.1 从客户角度分析...31
4.2.2 从业务流程和 DMAIC 改进模型的互通性分析 ...........31
4.2.3 从高层领导支持角度分析...........32
4.2.4 从采集数据角度分析.......33
4.3 其他影响六西格玛理论应用的可能因素分析 .33
4.3.1 设计项目组织机构...........33
4.3.2 人才储备和激励政策.......34
4.3.3 六西格玛理论对企业文化的要求...........35
4.4 国内外应用六西格玛企业特征与设计项目特征的对比分析 .35
4.5 六西格玛理论分析工具在设计项目中的适用性分析 .37
4.6 六西格玛理论在设计项目中的推行模式研究 .38
4.6.1 六西格玛理论导入的关键作用...38
4.6.2 六西格玛理论推广的组织机构和责任划分.......39
4.6.3 中国海油工程设计项目推广六西格玛理论的方法研究...........40
4.7 六西格玛理论 DMAIC 改进模型在设计项目中的实施方案研究 ......41
4.7.1 界定阶段...42
4.7.2 测量阶段...42
4.7.3 分析阶段...42
4.7.4 改进阶段...43
4.7.5 控制阶段...43
4.8 本章小结 .44
第五章 六西格玛理论在 K 项目的应用案例...........46
5.1 选择 K 项目作案例的原因 ........46
5.2 案例实施 .46
5.2.1 六西格玛项目界定阶段...46 III
5.2.2 六西格玛项目测量阶段...47
5.2.3 六西格玛项目分析阶段...50
5.2.4 六西格玛项目改进阶段...55
5.2.5 六西格玛项目控制阶段...58
5.3 六西格玛理论应用的效果及其分析讨论 .........59
5.3.1 六西格玛理论应用的结果...........59
5.3.2 六西格玛理论应用效果的分析和讨论...60
5.4 六西格玛理论在 K 项目的应用总结 ....62
第六章 结论与展望....64
6.1 结论 .........64
6.2 展望 .........65
致 谢..70 第一章 绪论第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
其能源资源的重要组成部分。中国在 21 世
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