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当前 HY 等周边的高新技术发展势头很好,对 XD 高新技术产业园
业园区特殊政策的逐步取消,如何打造 XD 高新技术产业园区产业发
展的新竞争优势迫在眉睫。XD 高新技术产业园区经过二十多年的发
本上提升 XD 高新技术产业园区产业发展的层次,更是迫切需要解决
关键词:XD 高新技术产业园;SWOT 分析;发展战略;战略实施III
Abstract: Construction of high-tech industrial park, is the new idea and
new direction under the new historical conditions of our country
economic development, and is the important target practice to implement
the innovation strategy and building an innovative country. Through the
construction of high-tech industrial park to make city gradually become
in economy, society, culture, science and technology and life and so on
various aspects can play an exemplary role in the modern urban
functional areas. Paper to XD high-tech industrial park as the research
object, firstly analysis the regional theory and strategic management
theory of the high-tech industrial park construction, and lay solid
foundation research; Secondly through the SWOT analysis on XD
high-tech industrial park, we know strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats of XD high-tech industrial park development, and provides
the positioning and development strategy to the industrial park of next
planning guidance.at the same time, through drawing lessons from the
domestic typical growth course of high-tech industrial park, it provide
useful experience for formulating development strategy of XD high-tech
industrial park; Then points out the strategic orientation and target, and
determine the strategic choice; Finally put forward to promote XD
high-tech industrial park strategic implementation safeguard measures.
Surrounding the high and new technology such as current HY
maintained a good momentum of development, investment promotion
and capital introduction of XD high-tech industrial park, industrial
development upgrade presents a serious challenge. At the same time as
the high and new technology industrial park special policies to phase out,IV
how to make new competitive advantages for industrial development of
XD high-tech industrial park is imminent. XD high-tech industrial park
has reached a critical period after 20 years development. it is the key
problem to be solved urgently from the perspective of the strategic
management and the management system innovation, and from
fundamentally enhancing XD high-tech industrial park industrial
development level.
Keywords: XD High-tech Industrial Park; SWOT analysis; development
strategy; Strategy implementationV
目 录
Abstract:........... III
第 1 章 绪 论......... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义...1
1.2 相关文献综述.....1
1.2.1 国外研究综述.......1
1.2.2 国内研究综述.......2
1.2.3 国内外研究现状简要评述...........3
1.3 研究内容. 3
1.4 研究方法与研究思路.....4
1.4.1 研究方法...4
1.4.2 研究思路...5
第 2 章 高新技术产业园区的基本理论...7
2.1 区位理论. 7
2.1.1 区位理论概况.......7
2.1.2 韦伯的工业区位理论.......7
2.2 增长极理论.........8
2.2.1 增长极理论概况...8
2.2.2 增长极理论的作用...........8
2.3 空间结构理论.....8
2.3.1 空间结构理论概况...........8
2.3.2 空间结构理论类型...........8
2.4 梯度推移理论.....9VI
2.5 理论启示...........10
第 3 章 XD 高新技术产业园区的 SWOT 分析......11
3.1 XD 高新技术产业园发展概况..11
3.2 优势分析(strength)...11
3.2.1 湖南省具备较好的发展基础.....11
3.2.2 HY 市具备的发展条件....12
3.2.3 HY 县进入快速发展时期14
3.2.4 XD 高新区具备后发优势17
3.2.5 HY 籍客商是优质招商资源........18
3.3 劣势分析(weakness)...18
3.3.1 基础设施建设不健全.....18
3.3.2 产业布局不合理.18
3.3.3 建设资金不足.....19
3.3.4 体制机制不顺.....19
3.3.5 起点相对较低.....19
3.3.6 内部挑战不小.....19
3.4 机遇分析(opportunity).........19
3.4.1 中国在世界转移中具有独特优势.........19
3.4.2 中部崛起.21
3.4.3 长江经济带对 HY 的利好..22
3.5 威胁分析(threat).......22
3.5.1 国际国内经济波动的挑战.........22
3.5.2 全国各地承接产业转移的竞争.23
3.5.3 湖南三大区域经济板块之间的竞争.....23
3.5.4 HY 主要经济开发区的竞争........24
3.6 XD 高新技术产业园区 SWOT 分析总结..26VII
3.7 SWOT 分析对 XD 高新技术产业园区的启示....26
第 4 章 典型园区发展案例借鉴及.........29
XD 高新技术产业园发展战略制定..........29
4.1 典型园区发展案例借鉴...........29
4.1.1 承接产业转移并成功升级案例——江苏昆山经济技术
开发区....... 29
4.1.2 科技创新型园区发展案例——湖南宁乡金洲新........30
4.1.3 对接近邻城市成功发展园区案例——湖南湘潭九华经
4.1.4 科技创新发展高端产业园区案例——山东聊城九州岛
4.1.5 对 XD 高新技术产业园的启示...34
4.2 XD 高新技术产业园发展战略制定......35
4.2.1 园区战略定位.....35
4.2.2 园区战略目标.....36
4.2.3 园区发展愿景.....37
4.2.4 园区发展演进路径.........37
4.2.5 产业定位.37
4.3 XD 高新区战略确定......38
4.3.1 科技创新战略.....38
4.3.2 生态发展战略.....39
4.3.3 产城融合战略.....39
4.3.4 产业集群战略.....40
4.4 本章小结...........41
第五章 XD 高新技术产业园区战略实施保障..43
5.1 强化基础设施建设.......43VIII
5.1.1 创新资金来源与保障机制.........43
5.1.2 完善园区功能配套.........43
5.2 优化外部发展环境.......43
5.2.1 提升园区服务水平.........44
5.2.2 强化金融支持.....44
5.2.3 提高信息化服务水平.....44
5.2.4 转变园区招商引资方式.44
5.3 加快推进园区自主创新.44
5.3.1 打造技术创新平台.........44
5.3.2 推动园区产、学、研合作.........45
5.3.3 完善创新激励机制.........45
5.4 推进产业集群发展.......45
5.4.1 全力打造智能装备制造产业集群.........45
5.4.2 加快发展电子信息产业集群.....45
5.4.3 着力培育生物医药产业集群.....45
第六章 结 语... 47
致 谢… 53
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