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The existence of relying on bank credit as the foundation, core work content for risk
management, namely its unique characteristic is high liabilities, high risk. Commercial
bank core competence is embodied in the level of risk management. The quality of credit
risk management level determines the success or failure of commercial Banks. Corporate
credit business because of business lines, the commercial Banks have the effect of holding
a launch the whole body, so the analysis of the corporate credit business risk management
research strategy has important significance for the development of commercial Banks.
This paper firstly introduce mainly research background and significance, research
status at home and abroad and the research methods and contents; Then aimed at
qinhuangdao ABC corporate credit risk management present situation analysis, including
corporate credit business process, the condition of business personnel, three levels of
business risk index analysis, analyzes the problems existing in the corporate credit
business management and the cause of and qinhuangdao ABC corporate credit risk
management to improve the design, first put forward qinhuangdao agricultural bank credit
risk management improvement program design principle, from the legal system of credit
business process improvement, business management and risk management improvement
project of three levels is put forward; In the end introduce qinhuangdao ABC corporate
credit risk management improvement plan implementation strategy.
In qinhuangdao ABC corporate credit business process, personnel, and indicators of
risk analysis, in view of the problems, put forward the improvement plan, optimize
thebusiness process, put forward the strategies of the corporate credit risk management at
the same time, the credit risk management, ABC qinhuangdao branch credit legal system
application problems, the allocation of human resources and problems, the problems in the
process operation, and the concept of risk control is yet to be increasing, the problem of
management system of credit, credit incentive and restraint mechanism credit problems
and customer manager team construction is the main reason. Therefore suggested that the
comprehensive risk management system, risk of fine management, optimize asset
management system, post and personnel optimization, optimization of the whole processAbstract
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management measures, the establishment of the good credit culture and system, perfect
the qinhuangdao agricultural bank credit risk management system, improve the level of
risk management, completes thecomprehensive risk management.
Keywords:corporate credit risk;credit business processes;indicators of risk;
comprehensive risk management目 录
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目 录
摘 要.......I
第 1 章 绪 论....1
1.1 研究背景及意义.... 1
1.1.1 研究背景..........1
1.2 国内外研究现状.... 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状..2
1.2.2 国内研究现状..3
1.2.3 国内外研究评述..........4
1.3 研究主要内容及方法........ 4
1.4 本文框架.....5
第 2 章 理论基础7
2.1 风险管理的基本理论........ 7
2.1.1 风险管理理论的起源与发展..7
2.1.2 风险管理的基本方法..7
2.2 法人信贷基本理论 8
2.2.1 法人信贷的基本概念与内涵..8
2.2.2 法人信贷基本原则与特点......8
2.2.3 法人信贷的法律规范..9
2.2.4 法人信贷风险的识别10
2.3 本章小结...12
第 3 章 秦皇岛农行法人信贷风险管理现状分析..... 13
3.1 秦皇岛农行概况.. 13
3.2 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务流程..13
3.2.1 信贷组织框架13
3.2.2 评级授信基本操作流程........14
3.2.3 具体用信业务操作流程........15
3.2.4 贷后管理和十二级分类操作流程....16
3.3 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务制度体系分析..........17
3.3.1 贷前管理制度17
3.3.2 贷后管理制度19
3.4 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务人员状况分析..........21
3.4.1 法人信贷业务人员制度分析21
3.4.2 法人信贷业务人员素质分析22
3.5 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务风险指标分析..........23
3.5.1 法人信贷业务财务指标分析23
3.5.2 法人信贷业务经营指标分析28
3.5.3 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务实例分析29
3.6 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务管理中的问题和原因分析..30
3.6.1 法人信贷业务管理中存在的问题....30
3.6.2 法人信贷业务管理中问题的原因分析........33
3.7 本章小结...35
第 4 章 秦皇岛农行法人信贷风险管理改进方案设计......... 37
4.1 秦皇岛农行信贷风险管理改进方案设计原则..37
4.1.1 以欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司政策为抓手把控信贷风险原则........37
4.1.2 全面风险管理原则....38
4.1.3 细化风险的原则........38
4.1.4 以人为本和考核激励的原则38
4.2 秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务风险管理改进方案框架设计..........39
4.3 改进后秦皇岛农行法人信贷风险管理主要内容..........40
4.3.1 优化秦皇岛农行法人信贷业务制度流程....40
4.3.2 构建完善秦皇岛农行法人信贷制度体系....41
4.3.3 提升秦皇岛农行法人信贷人员管理42
4.3.4 优化法人信贷业务指标设置42
4.4 本章小结...43
第 5 章秦皇岛农行法人信贷风险管理改进方案实施策略...44
5.1 健全全面风险管理体系..44
5.1.1 完善法人的风险分类体系....44
5.1.2 非定期与定期检查....45
5.1.3 设立风险预警预报机制.......46
5.1.4 健全贷后管理激励约束机制...........46
5.2 风险的精细化管理.......... 46
5.2.1 建立台账........46
5.2.2 明确基础信贷目标....47
5.2.3 优化风险评估方法 ..47
5.3 优化资产管理系统.......... 48
5.4 岗位与人员的优化.......... 48
5.4.1 调整岗位设置48
5.4.2 强化岗位资质的准入和培训48
5.5 经营考核激励机制的调整..........48
5.5.1 调整考核目标与机制48
5.5.2 创新手段多措化解风险........49
5.5.3 多管齐下加强贷后管理........49
5.5.4 有效处置不良资产化解存量信贷风险........50
5.6 全流程的管理优化措施..50
5.6.1 有针对性地预留授信额度、调剂与共享....50
5.6.2 审批授权简化流程....51
5.6.3 加强三查环节衔接提升业务响应....51
5.7 建立良好的信贷文化和制度......52
5.7.1 良好有序的信贷文化52
5.7.2 增强员工风险意识....52
5.7.3 加强内控制衡52
5.8 本章小结...53
结 论....54
攻读硕士学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果....... 59
致 谢....60第 1 章 绪 论
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