5859亿港元总资产 2177亿港元营业额 利润总额267亿元 位列《财富》世界500强第346位 央企综合财务指标排名第5 30余万名员工
The total assets of China Resources Group has reached 586 billion, with the turnover of 218 billion (all united by Hong Kong dollar), which is among the global 500 named by Fortune, ranked the 346th,top 5 national enterprise of Comprehensive financial indicesand hired more than 330,000 staff.
7大战略业务单元 17家一级利润中心 6家香港和内地上市公司 3支蓝筹
Nowadays, The core businesses of China Resources Group include 7 areas, China Resources Group owns 17 first-class profit center and 6 companies listed in HongKong tock market and in Mainland China and three Blue Chips. 创始于1938年,见证了共和国70余年的光辉历史,
The history of China Resources can be traced back to as early as 1938 when Liow& Company wasestablished in Hong Kong. It is presented the glorious history of People'sRepublicof China
It is now turning to be a diversified holding company group, taking industry as the core business.
与您携手,改变生活。Better Life Together 华润创业(HK0291) 华润电力(HK0836) 华润置地(HK1109) 华润水泥(HK1313)华润燃气(HK1193)华润微电子(HK0597) 3月8日,华润置地(1109HK)入选香港恒生指数成分股,成为香港蓝筹股之一
On March 8th, , CR land (the abbreviation of China Resources Land Co., Ltd.) became one of 43 blue chips in. Hong Kong Index Constituent Stocks
By the end of June, ,the total assets of China Resources Land is more than 158 billion Hong Kong dollars, net assets is more than 53 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the land reserve area is more than 26 million square meters.
China Resources Land has spread its concept of “high quality change more at the city”in 36 cities in mainland China
六大住宅产品线系列 A Series of six major residential product lines
For the property investment of China Resources Land, two models as MIXC of Urban Complex Series and regional business centers–Dream port. 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看