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Talent team construction plays a vital role in deepening the reform of medical
institutions and promoting the development of private hospital. In practice, to
establish a scientific and effective performance appraisal system has far-reaching
significance for promoting the management of human resources, optimizing the talent
team, motivating the employees’ working enthusiasm, discovering the potential of
employees, and developing the medical and health management.
Taking Changsha Medical University Affiliated Hospital as a research object,
this paper analyzes the present situation of employee performance appraisal system
comprehensively and systematically under the performance management theory,
pointing out the existing problems , finding out the roots of problems, proposing the
solving measures, and making a new performance appraisal system based on BSC.
According to this paper, the traditional methods used by Changsha Medical University
Affiliated Hospital which evaluates employees from the morality, ability, attendance
and performance by hundred-mark system cannot convert the hospital’s vision and
strategic objectives into workable plan of action and quantifiable index system and
decompose them to each department and each employee. It also cannot fully consider
the economic benefit, quality control, doctor-patient relationship, employees’ personal
growth during the evaluation and then distorts the evaluation results. Furthermore, it
may cause some side-effects. So the traditional evaluation method should be improved.
The study designs the BSC from the hospital level, department level and staff level
respectively and determines the weights of each index, optimizing the procedure,
result applying and feedback of employee performance appraisal system. This new
improvement project not only applies the clear basis and object for staff development
and hospital performance improvement but also applies to the next step of the unit
strategic goals.
This paper makes studied on the employee performance evaluation practice
applied to employees in medical institutions based on BSC. It has some theoretical
and practical reference meanings for the similar institutions to perfect their employee
performance appraisal system.
Keywords: Changsha Medical University Affiliated Hospital; Employee performance
appraisal; BSC长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核体系改进研究
目 录
摘 要...II
第 1 章 绪 论.. 1
1.1 选题背景及意义.......... 1
1.1.1 选题背景....1
1.1.2 选题意义.....2
1.2 相关理论与概念界定...3
1.2.1 绩效..3
1.2.2 绩效考核.....4
1.2.3 绩效考核的方法综述........5
1.2.4 平衡计分卡理论....9
1.3 文献综述......... 12
1.3.1 对医院绩效管理的研究12
1.3.2 平衡计分卡在医疗系统应用的研究.. 15
1.4 研究方法和内容........ 17
1.4.1 研究方法..17
1.4.2 研究内容和技术路线.... 17
第 2 章 长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核现状分析.19
2.1 附属医院概况..19
2.1.1 发展历程..19
2.1.2 组织结构..20
2.1.3 人力资源..21
2.2 附属医院员工绩效考核现状21
2.2.1 考核计划...22
2.2.2 考核方法...22
2.2.3 考核内容...23
2.2.4 考核标准...23
2.2.5 考核工具...23工商管理硕士学位论文
2.3 附属医院员工绩效考核体系诊断..24
2.3.1 满意度调查...........24
2.3.2 员工访谈..26
2.4 附属医院员工绩效考核存在的主要问题.27
2.4.1 考核体系与战略脱节.... 28
2.4.2 缺乏科学的绩效目标.... 28
2.4.3 绩效考核指标选择不恰当........29
2.4.4 缺乏有效的考核反馈改进机制...........29
2.4.5 考核结果的应用不足.... 30
2.5 附属医院员工绩效考核存在问题的原因分析.... 30
2.5.1 医院管理层对绩效考核认识不足.......30
2.5.2 缺乏先进的绩效考核思想与技术.......31
2.5.3 尚未建立规范的绩效考核体系...........31
2.5.4 缺乏人力资源管理其他系统的支持.. 31
第 3 章 长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核体系改进设计.... 33
3.1 附属医院员工绩效考核改进的目的和总体思路33
3.1.1 改进目的..33
3.1.2 总体思路..34
3.2 附属医院平衡计分卡的建立...........35
3.2.1 附属医院使命与战略的定位... 35
3.2.2 附属医院战略地图.........36
3.2.3 附属医院平衡计分卡绩效评价指标体系构建.........37
3.3 附属医院员工绩效考核指标体系及权重设计.... 41
3.3.1 科室和员工层面平衡计分卡分解.......41
3.3.2 附属医院员工绩效考核指标权重的确定......44
第 4 章 长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核效果预测及实施保障... 48
4.1 附属医院员工绩效考核的实施...... 48
4.1.1 绩效考核计划..... 48
4.1.2 绩效考核的组织管理.... 48
4.1.3 绩效考核评价标准.........49
4.1.4 考核程序..49
4.2 考核反馈和结果的应用........ 51
4.2.1 结果应用..51
4.2.2 附属医院员工绩效考核反馈... 52
4.3 员工绩效考核体系实施的预期效果..........54长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核体系改进研究
4.3.1 促进医院战略目标的实现........54
4.3.2 激励医护人员提高工作绩效... 54
4.3.3 促进医院内部交流与沟通........54
4.3.4 医护人员奖惩更加公平合理... 54
4.3.5 实现医院经济和社会效益双赢...........55
4.4 员工绩效考核体系实施中可能遇到的问题.........55
4.4.1 观念问题..55
4.4.2 沟通的问题..........55
4.4.3 不同层面绩效差异问题56
4.4.4 测评人员精力和能力问题........56
4.4.5 测评中的偏差..... 56
4.5 保障措施......... 57
4.5.1 绩效考核实施前的相关培训... 57
4.5.2 消除绩效考核中的问题57
4.5.3 绩效文化的建立.58
结 论.60
致 谢.64工商管理硕士学位论文
图 1.1 绩效考核的含义.........4
图 1.2 目标管理法的实施程序........8
图 1.3 以标杆超越为基础设计绩效考核体系......8
图 1.4 平衡计分卡的基本框架........9
图 1.5 平衡计分卡的战略执行体系......... 10
图 1.6 战略地图标准模板...11
图 1.7 论文技术路线...........18
图 2.1 长沙医学院附属医院管理模式.....20
图 2.2 长沙医学院附属医院组织结构.....20
图 2.3 长沙医学院附属医院员工专业技术结构21
图 3.1 构建绩效指标体系流程......35
图 3.2 长沙医学院附属医院战略地图.....37
图 4.1 附属医院考核流程...51
图 4.2 附属医院申诉流程...53长沙医学院附属医院员工绩效考核体系改进研究
表 1.1 非系统绩效考核方法的比较........... 5
表 2.1 附属医院员工绩效考核满意度调查表....24
表 2.2 附属医院员工绩效考核满意度调查结果统计表...........26
表 2.3 附属医院员工访谈结果整理表.....27
表 3.1 长沙医学院附属医院四个维度的关键战略要素...........40
表 3.2 长沙医学院附属医院神经内科平衡计分卡指标体系..42
表 3.3 长沙医学院附属医院个人平衡计分卡指标体系...........43
表 3.4 临床医生类员工平衡计分卡.........45
表 3.5 预防保健类员工平衡计分卡........
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