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理论为理论依据,通过历史数据回顾,从质量管理的角度分析 AX
头脑风暴法识别风险项,对这些风险项进行分类,可归纳成 5 类
风险,本文研究其中的 3 类风险即信息安全风险、业务连续性风
识别,共识别出风险影响因素 49 项。接着基于失效模式与影响分
结果中发现了 17 个风险值偏高的风险项。在问题解决阶段,通过
通过这些质量风险控制策略的实证分析,可以得出 AX 公司质量风
现改进管理、控制质量风险方法的可行性,为 AX 公司质量风险管
关键词:质量风险 风险控制 鱼骨图 风险评价模型
Research on quality risk control of AX company
Enterprises often find some realistic or potential risks in their daily operation, usually
use the traditional method to solve the problem, Using the administrative ways to eliminate
or control these risks. AX enterprise in the actual operation of the process also found that the
existing quality system can not meet the growing demand for quality risk management and
control.In order to seek better control of risk, enterprises can adopt the way to improve the
quality system, to meet the quality risk management and control needs of enterprises. This
article from the perspective of perfect quality system, through a series of theories and
methods of using quality management, it use quality tools to realize the enterprise risk
identification, risk assessment, risk control, improve the quality system for ente rprises to
explore ways to improve the management and quality control method of risk.
The whole idea of this paper is to start from the problem, then to the problem analysis,
and finally to solve the problem. In the issue of the stage, the quality management system
theory and risk management theory as the theoretical basis, through the historical data
review, from the perspective of quality management, analysis of the quality risk of AX
company. In the analysis phase, in risk identification, through the use of brainstorming
method to identify risk, the risk classification, risk can be classified into 5 types, this paper
studies 3 kinds of risk which is the risk of information security, business continuity risk, risk
change. Then by drawing the quality risk fishbone diagram, to identify the risk factors,
identified 49 risk factors affecting. Based on the failure mode and effect analysis method to
construct quality risk evaluation model, through the model to evaluate the effects of these
risk factors, analyzed and summarized according to the results of risk assessment, 17 high
risk value risk found in the evaluation results.At the stage of problem solving, the quality
risk control strategy is used to control the risk. It includes the technical strategy and
organizational strategy of quality control. The quality risk control technology strategy
includes risk avoidance、loss control、risk retention、risk transfer、quality risk control,
organization strategy including system design、organization design and information system
design.Through the empirical analysis of these quality risk control strategies, we can draw
the conclusion that the quality risk of AX company can be controlled.
The results of this paper prove that the enterprise through the improvement of quality
system, to improve the management and control of the quality of the risk of feasibility, and
for the AX company's quality risk management work of the next step to improve the
support.To improve the management level of enterprise quality risk, quality risk p revention
and control work, can reduce the risk of accidents and minimizing losses, improve product
and service quality, improve customer satisfaction, to enable enterprises to establish and
maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. At the same time, it also has reference value
and reference value for other monitoring enterprises in the decision-making of quality risk
LiBingHua (MBA)
supervised by WuJiong
Keywords Quality risk;Risk Management ;Fishbone diagram; Risk assessment
摘要. I
Abstract .....III
第一章 绪论...........9
1.1 选题背景 .......9
1.2 研究目的与意义 .....10
1.3 研究内容与方法 .....10
1.3.1 研究内容 ..........10
1.3.2 研究方法 ..........11
第二章 文献综述.13
2.1 质量管理理论 .........13
2.1.1.质量管理的定义、特性与发展 ..........13
2.1.2 质量管理体系的构成要素 ......14
2.1.3 质量管理原则 ..15
2.1.4 质量管理的方法 ..........16
2.2 风险管理理论 .........17
2.2.1 风险管理定义与发展 ..17
2.2.2 风险管理理论概述 ......17
2.3 质量风险管理 .........18
第三章 AX 公司和质量管理体系现状分析 ......19
3.1 AX 公司概况 ..........19
3.2 AX 公司质量管理体系概述..........20
3.2.1 现有体系结构图与职能分配表 ..........20
3.2.2 基于体系结构图和职能分配表的质量管理体系介绍 ..........24
3.3 AX 公司质量管理体系中质量风险控制的存在问题.......26
第四章 AX 公司质量风险控制存在的问题分析 ..........29
4.1 质量风险识别 .........29
4.1.1AX 公司基于头脑风暴法的质量风险识别 ....29
4.1.2 AX 公司基于鱼骨图的影响因素识别34
4.2 质量风险评价 .........39
4.2.1 建立质量风险评价模型 ..........39
4.2.2 结果分析 ..........44
第五章 AX 公司质量风险控制策略 ......49
5.1 质量风险控制的总体思路 .49
5.2 质量风险控制的技术策略 .49
5.2.1 风险回避 ..........49
5.2.2 损失控制 ..........51
5.2.3 风险保留 ..........59
5.2.4 风险转移 ..........60
5.3 质量风险控制的组织策略 .61
5.3.1 质量风险管理制度设计 ..........61
5.3.2 质量风险管理组织设计 ..........69
5.3.3 质量风险管理信息系统的设计 ..........73
图 1- 1 技术路线图........11
图 3- 1 公司组织结构图20
图 4- 1 鱼骨图之一信息安全风险........35
图 4- 2 鱼骨图之二业务连续性风险....36
图 4- 3 鱼骨图之三变更风险....37
图 5- 1 质量风险控制的总体思路图....49
图 5- 2 原方案图新方案图........50
图 5- 3 业务灾难恢复流程图....56
图 5- 4 风险管理目标制定制度62
图 5- 5 质量风险回顾会议流程63
图 5- 6 预警流程图........71
图 5- 7 执行部门监控风险组织流程图72
图 5- 8 质量风险管理信息系统示意图74
表 3- 1 体系结构图与职能分配表........22
表 3- 2 典型案例分析表27
表 4- 1 人员构成表........29
表 4- 2 信息安全风险....30
表 4- 3 业务连续性风险32
表 4- 4 环境风险33
表 4- 5 变更风险33
表 4- 6 财务风险34
表 4- 7 风险影响因素表38
表 4- 8 风险项的分级标准........40
表 4- 9 威胁赋值表........41
表 4- 10 脆弱性赋值表.
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