摘 要
R 银行是在我国商业银行快速发展的浪潮中成立的,是一家严格遵循法律、
分析和实地调研等多种手段,分析了企业文化对 R 银行的影响,运用 SWOT 分
析等方法,完善了 R 银行企业文化建设架构,提出了加强 R 银行企业文化建设
的一些建议,为 R 银行企业文化体系建设提供一些参考。本文兼具一定的理论
在现实中,通过针对 R 银行企业文化的分析和研究,为 R 银行企业文化建设提
供了一些策略,研究的结论能够为加强 R 银行企业文件建设提供一些具体思路,
有利于的提升 R 银行的适应能力和创新能力,使 R 银行在激烈的市场竞争中占
Research on Culture Construction of R Bank System
As China's economic structural adjustment, to the way growth is slowing,
economic development has entered a new normal, the current economic operation of
the external environment remains complex, large international and domestic
economic downward pressure, the effectiveness of the reform have not yet fully
apparent, some industry overcapacity problem is more prominent, to the enterprise
development has brought difficulties and challenges. Faced with the current forms of
financial business is no exception, the bank must look beyond the long-term, to break
the existing pattern, the introduction of competition mechanism, to explore the
establishment of a more comprehensive enterprise management tools, therefore,
strengthen corporate culture is imperative.
R bank is founded for the wave of the rapid development of commercial banks
in our country, is a strictly abide by the laws, regulations and norms of the local
joint-stock banks, establishing the business strategy and market positioning for the
agricultural industry, for small - and medium-sized enterprises, facing the local
economy and differentiation, characteristics, community, specialization, fine, the
financial industry to the agriculture as the focus, adhere to the urban Absorbing
deposits, nurturing agriculture, countryside and farmers , and realize the linkage
between urban and rural, village to the city, promoting the development of
agriculture with industry and trade, cooperation and win-win.Based on the corporate
culture at home and abroad a synthesis of research and practice, hoping to extract
worth learning advanced experience, a comprehensive analysis of the literature and
field research and other means, the influence of corporate culture on R banks, using
SWOT the method of analysis, improved R banking enterprise culture construction
architecture, proposed to strengthen the enterprise culture construction R Bank
recommendations, to provide some reference R banking enterprise culture
construction.In this paper, both theoretical and practical significance, in theory, can
enrich the study of China's commercial banks in the corporate sector; in reality,
through analysis and research for the R bank corporate culture, cultural construction,III
the company offers a number of banks R policy conclusions can to strengthen R
construction Bank corporate documents provide some specific ideas, help enhance
the adaptability and innovation R bank, so the bank R place in the fierce competition
in the market.
Keywords:financial enterprises, corporate culture, system constructionIV
目 录
Abstract ........... II
第 1 章 绪论....1
1.1 研究背景....... 1
1.2 研究目的及意义....... 2
1.2.1 研究目的........ 2
1.2.2 研究意义........ 2
1.3 国内外研究现状....... 3
1.3.1 国外研究现状 3
1.3.2 国内研究现状 4
1.3.3 研究评述........ 5
1.4 主要研究内容与研究方法... 6
1.4.1 研究内容........ 6
1.4.2 研究方法........ 6
1.4.3 技术路线........ 7
第 2 章 R 银行企业文化发展现状分析........8
2.1 R 银行简介 .... 8
2.2 R 银行企业文化的特征和结构 ........ 9
2.2.1 企业文化的概念........ 9
2.2.2 R 银行企业文化的主要特征 ........... 10
2.2.3 R 银行企业文化的结构 ....... 11
2.3 R 银行企业文化的建设概况 .......... 12
2.3.1 R 银行精神文化建设概况 ... 12
2.3.2 R 银行物质文化建设概况 ... 14
2.3.3 R 银行制度文化建设概况 ... 15
2.4 R 银行企业文化体系建设的发展历程 ...... 16
2.4.1 R 银行企业文化建设的初级阶段 ... 16
2.4.2 R 银行企业文化建设的发展阶段 ... 16
2.4.3 R 银行企业文化建设的升华阶段 ... 17V
2.5 R 银行企业文化的优势 ...... 17
2.6 R 银行企业文化建设的必要性 ...... 20
2.7 本章小结..... 21
第 3 章 R 银行企业文化发展环境分析.......22
3.1 R 银行企业文化环境分析 .. 22
3.1.1 R 银行企业文化外部环境分析 ....... 22
3.1.2 R 银行企业文化内部环境分析 ....... 23
3.2 R 银行企业文化发展的 SWOT 分析......... 24
3.2.1 R 银行企业文化建设的机会 ........... 24
3.2.2 R 银行企业文化建设的威胁 ........... 25
3.2.3 R 银行企业文化建设的优势 ........... 25
3.2.4 R 银行企业文化建设的劣势 ........... 26
3.3 企业战略对企业文化影响. 27
3.4 本章小结..... 28
第 4 章 R 银行企业文化体系建设方案......29
4.1 R 银行定位与企业文化建设目标 .. 29
4.1.1 R 银行定位 ... 29
4.1.2 R 银行企业文化建设目标 ... 29
4.2 R 银行的企业文化体系构建 .......... 31
4.2.1 R 银行物质文化建设方案 ... 31
4.2.2 R 银行制度文化建设方案 ... 34
4.2.3 R 银行精神文化建设方案 ... 37
4.3 本章小结..... 40
第 5 章 R 银行企业文化体系建设策略......41
5.1 R 银行企业文化体系建设的总体策略框架 .......... 41
5.2 加强企业文化规划和培训. 41
5.2.1 做好 R 银行企业文化战略规划 ..... 41
5.2.2 开展形式多样的培训学习.. 42
5.2.3 加大宣传与统一思想.......... 43
5.3 加强 R 银行企业文化组织与形象管理 .... 44
5.3.1 加强组织领导.......... 44
5.3.2 强化礼仪规范的整体统一.. 45
5.3.3 强化企业标识的整体统一.. 45VI
5.3.4 提高员工整体素质.. 46
5.3.5 提升人性化管理...... 46
5.4 力促 R 银行企业文化的创新 ........ 48
5.4.1 为企业打造良好的创新环境.......... 48
5.4.2 借鉴其他企业的成功经验.. 49
5.5 积极推动企业文化建设进程......... 50
5.5.1 抓住重点领域把握关键环节.......... 50
5.5.2 建立权责分明高效运转体系.......... 51
5.7 本章小结..... 52
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景