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Workshop Manual
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud Ill
(including Long Wheelbase)
Rolls-Royce Phantom V
Bentley S3
(including Long Wheelbase)
Bentley Continental S3
Supplement to TSD 729
TSD Publication 2003
Printed and Published by
Rolls-Royce Motors Limited
Crewe Cheshire
CW1 3PL England
This publication is a reprint of the original. Whilst
the information is given in good faith Rolls-Royce
Motors Limited gives no warranty or
representation concerning the information and
such information must not be taken as forming
part of or establishing any contractual or other
commitment by Rolls-Royce Motors Limited.
O Rolls-Royce Motors Limited 1963
Reprinted by Rolls-Royce Motors Limited 1985
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It is intended that this Supplement be read in conjunction with the Workshop Manual
(T.S.D. Publication 729) for S1 and S2 cars. Where information in the Workshop
Manual differs from that contained in the Supplement, it is that in the Supplement
which applies to S3 cars.
It should be noted that the pages and titles to illustrations in this Supplement have a
suffix (S) after the Page or figure number. The (S) has been added to avoid confusion
with the page numbers in the Workshop Manual.
Page numbers and Figure numbers shown in parentheses in this Supplement, refer to
the S1 and S2 Workshop Manual (T.S.D. Publication 729).
This Supplement to the Workshop Manual has been compiled in an endeavour to
assist service personnel responsible for maintenance and overhaul, in properly maintaining
the high standard of engineering achieved in the production of Rolls-Royce and Bentley
motor cars.
Although all the information contained in this Supplement was correct when going
to print, modifications which may subsequently develop will be kept up to date by means
of Service Bulletins.
Information given in the latest Bulletin will supersede that given in the Section of this
Supplement to which it refers, until such times as the Supplement is re-issued with the
necessary amendments.
Personnel of Rolls-Royce Service Departments at Hythe Road, Willesden, London,
N.W.10, and at Pym's Lane, Crewe, are always prepared to answer queries or give advice
on individual servicing problems, but it will assist them if queries are accompanied by
the chassis number of the car.
Information contained herein applies to the following cars
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Cloud 111 S3
Silver Cloud 111 Long Wheelbase S3 Long Wheelbase
Phantom V Continental S3
The following publications are available for reference in conjunction with this
T.S.D. 471 Automatic gearbox service manual
T.S.D. 2034 Supplement to the automatic gearbox service manual
T.S.D. 753 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I1 and Bentley S2 engine manual
T.S.D. 2006 Supplement to the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I1 and
Bentley S2 engine manual
T.S.D. 723 Air conditioning system - Underwing unit
T.S.D. 744 Air conditioning system - O.M.C. refrigeration unit

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