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摘 要
原文以及立案公告前后媒体报道等符码中收集文本源,结合 CSMAR 数据库提供
我国上市公司在 2002-2013 年被立案调查的上市公司为研究样本,并依据上述分

本文研究内容共分为以下 6 章:第 1 章为绪论,整体上介绍研究背景、研究
内容以及研究方法等;第 2 章为理论基础和文献综述,对有效市场理论、代理理
理论总结;第 3 章运用文本挖掘的方法对上市公司财务违规立案调查的原因进行
提取,并将研究样本进行财务违规与非财务违规的分组;第 4 章为财务违规立案
构建;第 5 章利用事件研究法对财务违规立案公告的投资者交投行为展开实证分
析;第 6 章是立案公告日附近投资者行为差异研究,运用回归分析的方法检验投

According to government public information, the listed companies in China each
year are hundreds of violations, but because of limitations of human, material and
financial resources, the companies finally real punished were the only dozens. No
punishment does not mean no impact Instead, listed companies to disclose violations
is much higher than average abnormal returns punishment day. Visible, market abuse
and information on early response stronger, more wealth loss caused to investors.
However, the losses to investors caused bythe regulatory investigation announcements
lack recognition and supervision, regulatory and compensation mechanisms are not
perfect. The fixed-income research model based on event study, the first to use to text
mining method to collect the notice of initiation events for your keywords from the
source text before and after the investigation and file the original notice of initiation
media reports and other codes, the binding CSMAR database provided by the China
listed companies violation processing database illegal type classification rules, listed
companies to initiate an investigation to explore the reasons for non-compliance,
combined with literature research group will be divided into financial irregularities
and non-financial irregularities group, sort of listed companies in 2002--2013
investigation of listed companies as samples, and based on the packet based on field
samples into financial irregularities investigation and survey of a sample group of
investors to initiate an investigation based on non-financial irregularities sample
group, followed by empirical research, testing filing financial irregularities cast acts
the role of reason and grouped compare financial irregularities and non-financial
irregularities reason, investigation and punishment of the reasons why discrepancies
role for investors trading behavior.
Contents of this paper is divided into the following six chapters: The first chapter is
the introduction, describes the overall research background, content and research
methods. The second chapter is the foundation literature review and theory, efficient
market theory, agency theory, information asymmetry theory and financial contract
theory of the sort, and the market reaction to the announcement of financial penalties
for violations, filing financial irregularities related literature market reaction
announcements and investor behavior influence factors were summarized theory. The北京工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
third chapter text mining methods financial irregularities of listed companies to
initiate an investigation of the reasons for extraction, and the study sample group
financial irregularities and non-financial irregularities. The fourth chapter of financial
irregularities notice of initiation of investor behavior research design, including the
assumptions, data sources, research methods Construction of introduction and models.
The fifth chapter, event study on investor behavior financial irregularities notice of
initiation of an empirical analysis. The sixth chapter is close to investor behavior
filing announcement difference, using regression analysis method difference test of
investor behavior.
Keywords: financial irregularities,the regulatory investigation announcements,
investor behavior目 录
目 录
摘 要.... I
Abstract III
第 1 章 绪 论..1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究意义1
1.2.1 理论意义 ....1
1.2.2 现实意义 ....2
1.3 相关概念介绍....2
1.3.1 财务违规 ....2
1.3.2 立案公告 ....3
1.3.3 投资者交投行为 ....4
1.4 研究思路与研究方法....5
1.4.1 研究思路 ....5
1.4.2 研究方法 ....6
1.5 研究内容6
第 2 章 理论基础和文献综述..9
2.1 理论基础9
2.1.1 有效市场理论 ........9
2.1.2 代理理论 ..10
2.1.3 信息不对称理论 .. 11
2.1.4 财务契约理论 ...... 11
2.2 国内外研究现状..........12
2.2.1 财务违规处罚公告的市场反应 ..12
2.2.2 财务违规立案公告的市场反应 ..14
2.2.3 投资者行为影响因素 ......15
2.2.4 国内外研究现状评述 ......16
2.3 本章小结..........17
第 3 章 基于文本挖掘的财务违规立案调查的原因提取....19
3.1 文本挖掘法......19北京工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
3.1.1 文本挖掘概念 ......19
3.1.2 文本挖掘的流程 ..19
3.2 文本的获取与筛选......20
3.2.1 样本的选取 ..........20
3.2.2 样本筛选 ..20
3.2.3 文本的获取 ..........22
3.3 文本分析过程..23
3.3.1 文本分词及预处理 ..........23
3.3.2 文本特征词降维 ..23
3.3.3 文本特征词词频统计 ......24
3.4 特征词分析......24
3.5 基于违规原因的样本分组......25
3.6 本章小结..........26
第 4 章 财务违规立案公告与投资者交投行为相关性的实证研究设计....27
4.1 财务违规立案公告对投资者交投行为的影响机理及假设提出......27
4.2 数据来源..........28
4.3 研究方法介绍..29
4.3.1 事件研究法分类 ..29
4.3.2 实施步骤 ..30
4.4 变量的选取......30
4.5 模型的构建......31
4.6 本章小结..........31
第 5 章 实证研究结果及分析33
5.1 立案公告日附近投资者行为变动均值检验..33
5.2 立案公告日附近投资者行为变动程度检验..37
5.3 与处罚公告日附近投资者行为变动对比检验..........38
5.4 稳健性检验......40
5.5 本章小结..........41
第 6 章 投资者行为变动的差异分析及对策建议....43
6.1 样本、数据及模型......43
6.1.1 样本和数据 ..........43
6.1.2 变量定义和研究假设 ......43
6.1.3 模型设计 ..46目 录
6.2 描述性统计......46
6.3 相关性分析......48
6.4 回归分析及结果..........50
6.4.1 立案公告日附近投资者累积异常换手率差异分析 ......50
6.4.2 立案公告日附近投资者累积异常成交量变动率差异分析 ......51
6.5 研究结论..........52
6.6 对策和建议......52
6.6.1 加强政府对股市的有效干预 ......52
6.6.2 完善证券监管机制 ..........52
6.6.3 完善立案制度 ......53
6.6.4 加强宣传教育以提高个人投资者决策能力 ......53
6.6.5 调整董事会结构以提高独立董事比例 ..54
6.7 本章小结..........54
结 论..55
致 谢..63第 1 章 绪 论

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