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近年来,中俄两国贸易额不断增长,2000 年以来,中俄贸易进入了稳步发展阶
段,贸易额从 2000 年的 80 亿美元增加到 2011 年的 792 亿美元,保持着平均
33%的增长速度。但这之中于 2008 年爆发的全球金融危机给这种稳定的增长趋
势带来了逆转,2009 年中俄双边贸易额为 388 亿美元,同比降低了 31.8%。
双方 21 类 97 章的产品的进出口额进行了数据收集和整理,实证分析了中俄贸
关键词:中俄贸易 贸易商品结构 技术水平 结构优化
Russian Federation is the most important strategic partner and also the biggest
neighbor country of China. However, the trade scale between these two countries is
not in line with their political relations. During the past decades, the value of the
trade between them grows constantly especially from 8 billion dollars in 2000 to
79.2 billion dollars in 2011. The average growth rate per annum reached 33%. While
the worldwide financial crisis happened in 2008 brought striking to this growth.
However, the financial crisis brought not only the negative influence but also the
opportunities. Russian and China are finding the new modes of the corporation for
trade and economics energetically. There are still a lot of problems actually like the
composition of the trade. The composition of the trade is the direct reflection of the
trade position and role in international division of labor, thus the study of the
composition of trade has an important realistic meaning. This article collected the
data of the goods traded between Russian and China including 21 categories and 97
chapters’ goods and analyzed the composition of the trade, and found that the mainly
goods traded are labor intensive products and resource intensive products. The
factors that affect the trade include direct investment, R&D investment and
capital-labor ratio and so on. Based on the above information, this paper made some
suggestions to improve the composition of trade between Russian and China.
Key words: Russian and China Composition of Trade Level of Technology
Structure Optimization
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