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EF TRC will ONLY process this request AFTER receiving receipt of prepayment of the recruitment fee as well as any overdue recruitment fees, other overdue payment if any and/or full amount of interview service fee. Please note that EFBC have 3 months lead time to arrange for the teacher / DOS to arrive in school after receiving full payment unless otherwise agreed upon by both sides.
EF 海外外籍教师招募中心只有在收到招募费的预付款证明及结清其他应付帐款(若有面试,则需加上面试服务全部费用的汇款证明)后,才将本案列入工作日程中。请注意:除非另有协议,EFBC在收到全额预付款后有3个月的准备期,安排人选到达学校。
Bank account info for TT / 汇款账号: 收款人:英孚商务咨询(上海)有限公司
账号: 044188-00182505540(RMB Only)
Request information / 申请欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司:
Name of the school / 学校名称: ______________________________
Date of request / 申请日期: _____ (yy / 年)_____ (mm / 月)_____ (dd / 日)
Number of Candidates / 所需人数: _______ DOS/ 教务主任_______ Teacher / 外教
Expected Arrival Date / 期望到达日期:_____ (yy / 年)_____ (mm / 月)_____ (dd / 日)
(Please note if they are expected to arrive on different dates / 若日期不同请注明)
Free replacement Teacher or Dos/属免费替换外籍教师或教务主任 No/不是 Yes/是 No./号码_____________。(Refer to the Free Replacement Approval No. set by EFBC/参照EFBC确认的免费替换外教申请批准号.)
The number of Teacher / DoS that EF TRC shall fulfill for this fiscal year / EF English First外教招募规则中规定的本财政年度应该满足贵校的外籍教师的招募名额: ______ DOS/ 教务主任 ______ Teacher / 外教
The number of Teacher / Dos that EF TRC has fulfilled for this fiscal year /本财政年度EF已经满足贵校的外籍教师的招募数量: _______ DOS/ 教务主任 ________ Teacher / 外教
(If EF TRC has successfully recruited teacher/DoS with the number that stated in the EF English First Recruitment Policy for this fiscal year, EF TRC won’t guarantee the recruitment period to the rest of requests in this fiscal year / 如果EF已经满足了本财政年度的外教招募名额, 本财政年度内EF将不对其后的外教招募申请做时限上的保证.)
Stamp of the school / 学校盖章: ___________________
Signature of CM / 校长签字: __________Signature of DOS / 教务主任签字:__________
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Confirmation of the request / 招募申请确认 (filled by EFBC TRD / 由EFBC TRD填写)
招募费及其他应付帐款费用全额收悉,招募工作于 年 月 日开始, 申请日期以该日期为准。
The TEACHER / DOS REQUEST is approved on ,which will be the formal application date.
请速缴清未付之招募费及其他应付帐款以便EF TRC开展招募工作
The TEACHER / DOS REQUEST is not approved.
经核对, EF已经满足了本财政年度的外教招募名额, 本财政年度内EF将不对其后的外教招募申请做时限上的保证.
After checking, EF confirms that EF TRC has successfully recruited teacher / DoS with the number that stated in the EF Englishfirst Recruitment Policy for this fiscal year, EF TRC won’t guarantee the recruitment period to the rest of requests in this fiscal year.
版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135