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设,建立二元 Logistics 实证研究模型,以 2012 年度我国深圳证券交易所的 144 家
The promulgation of America's Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and China's The Supporting
Guidelines of Enterprise Internal Control makes the problems of enterprise
internal control become a hotspot in research of financial management in recent years.
Meanwhile, financial fraud cases of capital markets at home and abroad also expose the
lack of the audit committee functions resulting big problems of the internal control in
listed companies.Therefore, committing to deficiency research of enterprise internal
control benefit reducing the internal control deficiency to protect the interests of
On the basis of principal-agent theory, asymmetric information theory, the theory
of corporate governance and internal control theory, the paper proposes research
hypothesis and establishes the binary Logistics empirical research model around the
relationship between listed company's audit committee characteristics and internal
control deficiency. It explore three representative characteristics: independence,
diligence, professionalism researching the relationship between these three
characteristics and listed company internal control deficiencies with the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange of 144 internal control deficiencies in listed companies in 2012 as research
samples. Model results show that the independence, diligence and the professionalism
of the audit committee both has effect on internal control deficiencies, but their impact
is different. Independence to operational deficiencies of inhibitory effect is significantly
greater than designed deficiencies, while diligence and professionalism to designed
deficiencies inhibitory effect is greater than operational deficiencies, but the influence
of the professional is more significant. According to the above research conclusion, the
paper puts forward useful policy suggestions related to the modern enterprise of the
audit committee system arrangement.
key word: audit committee characteristics; internal control deficiencies; designed
deficiencies; operational deficiencies
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