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本文以 J 支行为例,运用案例分析的方法,分析了 J 支行服务营销的现状、
存在问题及其原因。探讨了制定服务营销策略的影响因素,通过分析 J 支行的现
行模式以及服务营销的具体做法,提出了 J 支行完善服务营销的对策,及其实施
保障措施。论文认为,J 支行服务营销的主要问题是,同业竞争异常激烈,缺乏
务发展现状,来制定服务营销策略。论文提出,J 支行实施服务营销 7P 组合策
略与 3R 客户忠诚度管理服务营销策略,应该对支行客户进行细分,积极开展特
关键词:基层商业银行,服务营销策略,SWOT 分析,7P 组合,3R 营销Abstract
With high speed development of economic globalization and information
technology, the profound change of business model and marketing strategy in
commercial banking. The competitions growing between the banks pose a huge
challenge to the whole commercial bank industry. As the foundation of
commercial bank which connect and serve customers, sub branch banks’
marketing strategy and quality of service mostly determine the development of
the whole industry. Therefore, it is an urgent need to discuss it.
This paper analyze J sub-branch bank’s service marketing strategy problem
and give the solutions which base on bank’s reality. The reasons mostly are heavy
competition, lacking of expert professionals and poor service. Paper said that
marketing strategy should overall consider the superior management policy,
modern service marketing theory, internal and external environment and
current situation of business development. J sub-branch bank should accomplish
7P portfolio strategy and 3R customer loyalty strategy. Customers should be
subdivided. Special service should be offered. Maintaining key customers and
word-of-mouth marketing should be enhanced and also more flexible service
which depend on customers requirements. Paper also said that it should take
some measures to realize them for future.
The research and its conclusions will provide beneficial inspiration for other
similar sub branch of it’s service marketing strategy.
Keywords:Basic commercial bank,service marketing strategy,SWOT analysis,
7P portfolio,3R marketing
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