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目 录
第一章 绪论1
1.1 研究背景……1
1.1.1 国际经济形势…1
1.1.2 国内经济形势…2
1.2 研究意义……3
1.3 研究思路及方法……4
第二章 国内外银行发展战略研究 ……5
2.1 国外研究现状5
2.2 国内研究现状6
2.3 研究现状评述7
第三章 ZX 银行 T 分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展概况… 8
3.1ZX 银行 T 分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展情况8
3.1.1 业务规模8
3.1.2 资产质量9
3.1.3 盈利能力9
3.2ZX 银行 T 分行经营管理情况10
3.2.1 公司业务10
3.2.2 供应链金融业务11
3.2.3 零售业务12
3.2.4 个人信贷业务…12
3.2.5 小企业金融业务13
3.2.6 国际业务13
3.2.7 网络银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务…14
3.2.8 风险控制管理…15
第四章 ZX 银行 T 分行发展环境分析 …17
4.1PEST 分析模型17
4.1.1 政治环境17
4.1.2 经济环境17
4.1.3 社会环境18
4.1.4 技术环境18
4.2 政治环境分析18
4.3 经济环境分析20ABSTRACT
In recent years, especially since 2012, the external environment of domestic
banking industry changed dramatically. Slowdowns in macroeconomic growth,
accelerated process of marketization of interest rates, as well as the introduction of the
new policy on capital regulation, showed their impacts of the development of
commercial banks gradually. Facing the new situation, many successful experiences
in the past are hard to use to deal with new problems. If not to re-examine and adjust
the development strategies, the bank is difficult to grasp a reasonable pace of
development and in the right direction. Minor deviations at the critical time, will bring
long-term problems of development. Banks must think ahead, and make early action
in the strategic research of policy choices, to enhance the ability to respond to
fluctuations in the economic cycle.
Based on the study of ZX Bank T Branch, combined with the economic and
financial environment in Tianjin, this paper researches and analyzes the overview of
the business development and regional development strategies of ZX Bank T Branch.
For the regional development strategies of ZX Bank T Branch, referred to a number of
market information, some relevant papers, link to actual experience, the paper
makes PEST and SWOT analysis, makes clear market positioning, at the same time
puts forward targeted strategic proposals, from corporate banking and retail banking
transformation, online banking reorganizing, international business development, risk
management controlling and other aspects, for the different characteristics of the
business development under the new economic environment.
Through the research on this topic, the aim is to explore the management mode
and profit model in the further development of ZX Bank T Branch in corporate
banking, retail banking, online banking, international business, risk management and
other areas. Additionally, this paper proposes a specific recent mid-term work plan, to
deal with the relations of current and long-term, risks and benefits, the head office and
branches, front and back-office etc..
Keywords: Commercial Bank;Development strategies;PEST analysis;SWOT analysis中文摘要
近年来,尤其是 2012 年以来,国内银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的外部形势变化剧烈。宏观经济

本文以 ZX 银行 T 分行为研究对象。结合天津地区经济和金融环境,对 ZX
银行 T 分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务的发展概况及区域发展战略进行研究和分析。在 ZX 银行 T 分行
的实践经验进行 PEST 和 SWOT 分析,明确了市场定位,同时从公司金融业务、零

旨在通过对本课题的研究,探讨 ZX 银行 T 分行在公司业务、零售业务、网

关键词:商业银行;发展战略;PEST 分析;SWOT 分析4.4 社会环境分析20
4.5 科技环境分析21
第五章 基于 SWOT 理论的竞争力分析…22
5.1 SWOT 理论 …22
5.2 SWOT 分析 …22
5.2.1 优势分析23
5.2.2 劣势分析23
5.2.3 机会分析23
5.2.4 威胁分析24
第六章 ZX 银行 T 分行区域发展战略分析 ……26
6.1 明确市场定位26
6.1.1 客户定位26
6.1.2 产品定位27
6.1.3 区域定位27
6.1.4 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司定位27
6.2 公司金融业务28
6.2.1 积极进取的发展目标…28
6.2.2 经济转型和结构调整…28
6.2.3 客户分层体系建设……29
6.3 零售业务经营转型…30
6.3.1 大零售战略……30
6.3.2 零售体系基础建设……30
6.3.3 金融 IC 卡和移动支付 31
6.3.4 社区金融服务…31
6.3.5 网点建设和转型31
6.4 网络银行再造32
6.4.1 网络银行产品创新……32
6.4.2 网络银行市场营销……32
6.4.3 网络银行客户经营……33
6.5 国际业务拓展33
6.5.1 市场营销与客户结构…34
6.5.2 产品创新与客户服务…34
6.5.3 防范风险与合规经营…35
6.6 风险管理控制36

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