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及到组织科学、计算机科学、战略管理等多个学科,和高校、图书馆、IT 等诸
本文以知识管理理论为基础,以从事国际电力工程建设的 H 公司为研究背
景,结合工程实际,通过对 H 公司的知识管理现状和 PowerOn 系统的应用分析,
措施,并从技术、组织、制度层面,设计了保障体系,以期为进一步在 H 公司
PowerOn 系统在电力工程欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的应用进行了分析。在第二章,具体阐述了 H 公
司 PowerOn 系统中包括支付管理、费用管理、图纸文档、设备管理、人力资源、
经营开发、合同管理等在内的 13 个主要功能模块的内容及逻辑联系,并分析了
公司各部门对 PowerOn 系统的应用现状。接着,又以工程项目的生命周期为主
线,对 PowerOn 系统在市场开发、投标报价、项目执行、售后服务等阶段所存
在的知识管理层面的问题进行了分析。第三章,首先针对上述问题,对 PowerOn
进行了功能结构性知识管理改进设计。以此从宏观到微观对 PowerOn 系统进行
关键词:知识管理;PowerOn 系统;改进哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
- II -
The 21
century is an era of knowledge economy. People gradually realize that
knowledge has been becoming a new element of productive forces, and playing a
more important role in economy growth. The management of knowledge and the
application of it, will be one of the determinative factors that can make enterprises
stay in the market in the trend of economic globalization.
Knowledge management (KM) is a young theory that just emerged in the last 30
years. The study of KM has been changing constantly along with the soaring of
economy. The study of KM has reached to many disciplines such as organization
science, computer science, strategic management etc. And the application of KM
has also reached to many knowledge-intensive fields such as universities, libraries
and IT etc. But we seldom see the study and application of KM in the field of
Based on KM theory, this paper analyses the application conditions of KM and
PowerOn system in H Company, improves the PowerOn system from structural
level to modular level in order to provide the system with KM function.Furthermore,
to make basis for the establishing of KM system in H Company, this paper also
designs a series of measures to guarantee the implementation of KM improvement
and the operation of KM system.
Firstly, this paper introduces KM related concepts, and the applications of KM and
PowerOn system in power engineering field. Secondly, we state the content and
relationships of main modules such as payment management, cost management,
drawing management, equipment management, marketing management, contract
management etc., and analyse the status of the application of PowerOn in H
company. Moreover, based on the lifecycle of power engineering, this paper
analyses the conditions of the application of KM. Thirdly, against the foresaid
issues, this paper makes a framework improvement of KM and further designs
several important modules to improve KM function. Finally, from the view of
technics, organization and mechanism, this paper brings out suggestions to
guarantee the implementation of KM improvement.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, PowerOn System, Improvement
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